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*two months later*

A huff came from Seungmin as he heard a knock on the front door from where he was laying in the center of his bed. Him and Hyunjin had plans to hang out, however, he'd just gotten comfortable. It took a few more seconds of reluctance before he finally pushed himself up and plodded out to the living room.

"Hi," he heard as he opened the front door.

Seungmin smiled at the sight of his boyfriend and mimicked the greeting, "Hi Hyunnie."

Before he stepped into the house, he glanced back toward the driveway. "Is your mom not home?" Asked the elder.


"Is that alright? I Can come back later if you don't want me t—"

The elders words were cut short as Seungmin leaned into him, wrapping his arms tightly around his torso. "Oh..." Hyunjin whispered, returning the embrace, "is that a yes?" He felt the boy nod in response.

The room fell silent for some time, Hyunjin swaying the younger bad and forth as if they were slow dancing.

"You had therapy today, right?" He asked finally.

Seungmin nodded once again.

"Did it go okay?"

He didn't get a response at first, only feeling Seungmin hiding his face further into the crook of his neck. "I'm...tired of it."

The words were so muffled by Hyunjin's shirt they were almost inaudible. But of course, Hyunjin caught every word the younger said. "Do you feel like it's helping you at all?"

Seungmin shrugged.

"I feel like it's normal to get tired of doing the same thing every week for so long," Hyunjin rambled, bringing a hand up to play with Seungmin's hair, "I understand if you're frustrated with it—I hate talking about stuff...especially when the other person expects it."

Shortly after Hyunjin finished talking, Seungmin pulled away, quickly reaching out to interlock their hands. He pulled the elder over towards his room, leaving the door ajar as they walked past the doorframe.

Seungmin gestured to the wall parallel to his bed where he displayed the two pieces of artwork he'd received from Hyunjin.

"We should paint together again sometime—I don't have enough stuff to put in my room."

"You're the one that's good at it..." Seungmin muttered.

"You could draw a stick figure and I'd still love it—it doesn't matter to me."

"I'm...better at writing."

A smile spread across Hyunjin's face as he walked over and laid down in the center of Seungmin's bed, "Y'know you could write me love letters—I would treasure them so much."

Following the elder over to the bed, Seungmin only shrugged before sitting down next to him.

"I'm trying to pressure into writing me love letters, Seungmin, don't shrug. Say okay."


"Seungmin, have you ever kissed anybody?"

Seungmin let himself fall backwards onto the bed, his legs dangling off the end. He took a moment to think about the sudden question—he'd been kissed before—but why should that count as a first kiss. Looking over at Hyunjin, he stared into the boy's dark eyes noticing how his pupil was almost indistinguishable from his iris. He finally shook his head when he remembered Hyunjin had asked him a question.

A silence filled the room as Hyunjin mimicked the younger, laying down next to him on the bed. "Well you kissed me on the cheek once...that should count for something," Hyunjin muttered.

"Have you?"

"I kissed a girl when I was in middle school. Well...she kissed me. We went to a dance together and at the end of the night she just...went for it. I don't even know if I liked her."

Squeezing his lips together as tightly as he could, Seungmin closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. For some reason he was starting to feel a little overwhelmed. It might have been because his and Hyunjin were both on his bed or it might have been the fact they were all alone.

He kept his eyes closed for a few more seconds, trying his hardest to calm himself down before it turned into something more serious. His mind trusted Hyunjin—he trusted him more than anybody else in the world; however, it seemed that sometimes his body acted separately from his mind.

"Are you okay?" Hyunjin asked gently.

Seungmin opened his eyes to see Hyunjin looking back at him, a soft smile resting on his lips. He nodded.

"My friends—not the ones you already met—my other friends want to meet you," Hyunjin rambled, "I talk about you sometimes so that's how they know who you are. I told them that it would probably be too many people...but I thought I'd still bring it up because it is your choice."

"What...what friends?"

"A few guys that already graduated. Me, Felix, Jisung, and Jeongin are all friends with them so it gets to be a pretty big group of people. I don't know...I just feel like it's already a lot when it's just us and then Felix and Jisung come along."

Seungmin nodded.

"You agree? That it's a lot?"

He nodded again.

Hyunjin reached out and grabbed one of Seungmin's hands, interlocking their fingers. "Okay then we can hold off for a bit. I don't want you to feel pressured to meet anybody ever, okay? I wouldn't blame you if you didn't want to meet any more of my friends...I feel like they just keep coming."

A soft laugh slipped past Seungmin's lips before he muttered, "eventually."

"Eventually," Hyunjin agreed, bringing Seungmin's hand over to rest on his stomach. He looked back over at his boyfriend and smiled. He couldn't help but smile every time he looked at Seungmin. "Do you want to hear about last weekend when I was at work? I have a lot of coworkers I need to complain about—I think you want to listen."

Seungmin quickly nodded before he pulled himself and Hyunjin up into a sitting position so he could see the elder better. It didn't matter what Hyunjin talked about—he always wanted to listen.

Merry Christmas if you celebrate!

Thanks for reading <3

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