the quarry

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I throw down my bike as we approach the boys in their boxers.

We notice all of them arguing about who goes first. "I'll go. "

I look to my right to see Bev start taking off her dress. All the boys just stare at her.

"Quite staring you perverts!"

All the boys turn around quickly making me laugh.

The red head sprints towards the edge of the cliff, jumping.

Even I was kinda in awe. I would've never done that. Especially not first.

I strip of my clothes walking towards the boys, peeking over the cliff. I gulp hardly at seeing the height of the cliff.

Stepping backwards I look at the boys. "Absolutely not. I'm not doing that. "

The boys just ignore me talking about if they should do it or not. Finally, they all decide to jump down.

I watch as all their figures drop. I swallow all the spit collecting in my throat.

Cmon y/n don't be a pussy.

I could see Bev saying something up to me, but I couldn't hear her from this far up.

Taking a couple of deep breathes I close my eyes. Just imagine it's a one foot drop or something.

Reaching out one foot I put it over the side of the cliff.

Suddenly, I feel two hands touch my back, pushing my in.

I scream, grabbing my nose to make sure I didn't get water in it.

I shut my eyes preparing to hit the water.

"Y/n! You did it!" I hear Bev shout at me, but everything was muffled.

I wipe the water out of my eyes, pushing my hair back. "No, no I didn't. someone pushed me in!"

Bev just rolls her eyes at me laughing. "All of us are down here. No one couldve pushed you in. "

I look up at the edge of the cliff only to see no one.

I let out a sigh of relief. Maybe I just imagined it.

Water splashed in my face causing me to gasp. I will my eyes riding them of water.

Opening my eyes I see Richie stares at me, smirking. "Oh, it's on. "

We ended up splashing each other with water for a while before getting bored.

We climbed back up to the cliffs edge. Me and Bev both sprawled out on the ground, sun tanning.

All the boys just sat in place staring at mostly Bev. I watched as Bev turned towards them and they all looked away as if they weren't watching her causing me to laugh.

"Newsflash Ben but we're out of school. Why do you need all this school stuff. " Richie says, rummaging around in Ben's backpack.

He picks up a postcard. "Who sent you this?" Ben snatches it form his hand putting it back in his backpack "No one. "

Richie pulls out a blue folder, opening it. "What's with the history project?"

"Oh, when I first moved here, I didn't have anyone to hang out with, so I just started spending time in the library. " he says. I roll my eyes. Why did my sister have to hang out with nerds.

Bev gets up from where she was laying, walking over to the boys. "Ooh, I wanna see. "

She sits down next to bill. I watched as Ben and bill both tried to flirt with Bev at the same tim making me cringe.

I get up walking over and sitting next to stan, zoning out.

"I've got more stuff if you wanna see it. " is the only thing I heard.

We spent about five more minutes at the quarry before leaving, biking along with Ben to his house.

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