maybe kisses change things

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"Take this and you'll be fine. I would consider going to a doctor thought. " the nurse says, handing me a white pill and a cup of water.

I smile at her before sipping some of the water and popping the pill into my mouth.

"Are you sure you just fell?" She asks me causing me to nod. Even if I did tell her it was Henry no one would do anything so it didn't matter.

The bell rings signifying the end of the school. "Well have a good day y/n." she says and I smile at her.

Grabbing my backpack off the ground I head towards the exit of the school.

As I get outside I feel myself being pushed up against the wall and lips meet mine.

In shock I push the person back. "Henry?"

He just stares at me.

I still stare at him in shock. "You just tripped me earlier. Why are you kissing me?"

I put my hands on his chest pushing him back further.

"I can't let them know I like you. " he says making me scoff.

"And you think that makes me feel better?"

He rolls his eyes. "Well I like you. You should be grateful. "

I scoff at the boy. "Greatful? You really are a dick. "

Pulling the strap of my backpack up further I walk away hearing Henry shout after me.

And to think yesterday I was starting to like him.

He was just the dick everyone thought he was.

I feel tears collect in my eyes as I continue my walk home.

Finally getting to the apartment I flop down on my bed letting the tears escape.

A knock on my window pulled me out of my crying session though.

I groan walking over to the window, opening it.

"Belch? What're you doing here?" I watch as he climbs through the window.

"Do you wanna go to a party?"




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