Chapter 1

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"Hyung, just admit it! You like Jeonghan hyung!"
Seungkwan yelled, but it was loud enough for the others to hear. Joshua still shushed him though, making the younger roll his eyes.

"I don't like Jeonghan. We're just friends and this is just a regular feeling to have when you're with friends.." Joshua slowly trailed off after hearing how stupid he sounded.

Seungkwan looked at the older with a tired face. "Hyung, we both know that's not true. I don't feel that way towards my friends."

"You do towards Vernon though." Seungkwan glared at Joshua. "What? It's true, no?"

"Stop trying to avoid the truth. Everyone knows you like Jeonghan hyung except you." Seungkwan crossed his arms and leaned back into his chair.

"That's not true because I don't like him." Joshua took a bite out of his cookie.

Seungkwan sighed and finished up his juice before getting up to leave the stubborn hyung.

Joshua continued to eat his cookies in peace and read some comments on Seventeen's posts. He enjoyed reading the fans comments. They were always so positive and cute to him.

"Joshuji?" Joshua jumped from hearing the familiar voice. He turned around, still in his chair.

"Oh, hi Jeonghan." Joshua smiled at the blonde as he took a seat next to Joshua. "Want a cookie?"

"Sure." Jeonghan took the cookie that Joshua held put to him, grazing Joshua's fingers. Joshua quickly pulled his hand away with his heart racing like crazy.

'What in the world?' he thought. His heart continued to beat as they had conversations while devouring the box of cookies.

Then, the maknae walked into the room. "Hi hyungs." Dino waved at the two before going into the pantry, trying to find something. Looks like he was having trouble though.

"What's wrong, Chan?" Jeonghan asked, getting up to help the younger.

"Do you know where my cookies went? The ones I bought yesterday?" Joshua stopped chewing on the cookie he was holding and placed it back into the empty box.

Dino just stared at Joshua with an opened mouth.

"Don't leave your mouth opened. It'll get dry." Joshua slid the box over to Dino and got up from his seat.

"Hyung, I just got these yesterday!" Joshua was already out of the kitchen, but still heard the laughs from Jeonghan and the complaints from Dino.

'Sorry Chan. I'll get you another box soon.' Joshua thought. He plopped onto his bed and looked to the side. Hoshi was already asleep, hugging his tiger plush.

As Joshua just stared into space, he was in deep thought. About Jeonghan, obviously.

'Do I really like Jeonghan? But we're best friends. What if he's not gay? He would tell me if he was, right? Am I gay?" Questions swarmed Joshua's mind as he fell asleep.

He'll figure things out the next day anyways.

Author's Note: hope you enjoyed the first chapter!! imma be honest, this story is gonna be really messy since i dont really have a plot, but it's okay! i'll do my best!! enjoy!❤️


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