Chapter 4

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"Did you call me?" Jeonghan popped up from no where. Joshua flinched into his seat, worried that Jeonghan might have heard him.

"No, we didn't." Wonwoo placed the washed dish in the dish tray. "Where'd you come from?"

"The bathroom. I thought I heard my name so I cane, but I guess not." Jeonghan shrugged and sat next to Joshua. "Thanks for the cereal, Shua."

Joshua nodded and mumbled a 'your welcome' before putting his bowl in the sink. Wonwoo, who was washing the remaining dishes, glared at him for putting more dishes in the sink for him to wash. Joshua just smiled at him and walked away.

He walked into his shared room and saw that Hoshi was still asleep. 'Seriously? It's almost 10, Hoshi-yah.' Joshua walked over to the younger and began shaking him awake.

"Hoshi, wake up. It's 10 in the morning already." Hoshi slightly opened his eyes, but then closed it again. "Really?" Joshua sighed and sat on the bed.

"You're not a tiger." Joshua whispered, waking Hoshi up immediately.

"I am a tiger!" Hoshi pouted while Joshua smiled, proudly. They heard a creak at the door and looked over, seeing the oldest of them all.

"Why are you already yelling in the morning?" S.Coups crossed his arms.

"Shua hyung woke me up so it's not my fault." Hoshi sassed at Joshua.

"I'm not the one that was yelling." Joshua stood up and made his way to the door. He went to go find Jeonghan and maybe ask the older to go shopping with him.

He saw Jeonghan in his room and knocked on the door. "Jeonghan, can you go shopping with me?" Joshua made a whiny sound with his voice. "I don't want to go alone.."

"Sure, Joshuji. In your onesie?" Jeonghan laughed at the younger, filling Joshua's stomach with butterflies. Joshua started blushing, quickly walking away to change.

He went into his room, taking off the onesie. "Hey! You can't take it off yet!" Hoshi, who was still laying in bed yelled. "It hasn't even been a full 24 hours!"

"I'm going shopping with Jeonghan, Soonyoung." Joshua began changing into decent clothes as Hoshi looked away, smirking to himself.

"That's cute, hyung. Have fun on your date then." Hoshi teased the older as Joshua walked out of the room.

Jeonghan was already on the couch, changed into different clothes. "Joshuji, are you ready?"

"Yeah, let's go." Jeonghan stood up and fillowed Joshua out of the dorm. They got into Jeonghan's car and Jeonghan started to drive to the mall that the younger showed him.

While Jeonghan did, Hoshi's words repeated in his mind. 'Have fun on your date.' It's not a date. It's just a friend hang out. Just a hang out. Not a date at all.

Oh, but Joshua wished it was a date.

Author's Note: extremely short, ik. srry 😭😭❤️


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