Chapter 13

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"Has Joshua still not have talked to you?" S.Coups sat next to the younger.

"..No..I don't want to go up to him just in case he's not ready, but at the same time I want to tell him how much I love him.." Jeonghan let out a huge sigh and melted into the couch.

"He didn't break up with you did he?" Jeonghan turned his head to the leader, slightly angry.

"He didn't." Jeonghan said sternly. "We haven't even talked for a whole week.."

"Well, concert's tomorrow. You have enough time to tell him everything on stage." S.Coups stood up and walked away, leaving the other by himself.

'Fucking god..Hopefully he forgives me..'


"Is everyone ready?" The group had finished the practice before. All of them even practiced in the passed few days.

"We got this!" Hoshi jumps into the circle and put his hands in with the others.

S.Coups did his usual speech and ended it with the normal, "Say the name, SEVENTEEN!"

They all split up and on the way to their positions, Joshua and Jeonghan made eye contact. Jeonghan expected the younger to break eye contact, but instead, he nodded his head. The older could see the faint smile.

Maybe Joshua hadn't forgiven the other, but it's for good luck. Jeonghan returned the smile and they finally got into position.

The first song they were singing was Rock With You. Jeonghan knows he has to be professional and not bring any personal problems into the performance.


(skipping to the break scene because i am not writing about each song bruh)

"Alright so Jeonghan hyung! Is there anything you want to say?" DK asked. There were a few cheers from the crowd when Jeonghan placed the microphone near his mouth.

"I'm so happy to be seeing all of the Carats faces. You guys are all so gorgeous and I've missed performing for you. I hope I'll see some familiar faces again!" Jeonghan paused for all the cheers and screams. Finally, he spoke again. The thing he had been waiting for the whole concert. "There..there is something that I would like to tell you though."

The crowd went quiet and everyone's, including the members, turned their attention to Jeonghan.

"Joshua and I have been dating for quite a while now. I love Joshua so much. More than anything really. There are..there are so many things I want to tell him so I really hope I get the chance. He is dear to me and I will never leave him." Jeonghan felt a croak in his throat but swallowed it down.

"I hope you guys support us because we are happy together. I won't leave him no matter what. Even if anyone says anything bad, he is the only one for me. There's seriously no one I could leave him for. For the people that don't support us, thank you for your love and support so far and I hope you live well." Jeonghan bowed at the crowd and waited for the slow reaction.

The crowd had a late reaction, but thankfully there were cheers and happy screams. They were supportive and happy for the couple which made Jeonghan relief.

He let out a breath of relief and turned to Joshua. The younger had widened eyes. He covered his mouth with his hands and finally turned to the other.

He rushed over to the older and stopped in front of him. "Jeonghan.." is what Jeonghan read.

Jeonghan gave the younger a smile before pulling him in for a tight hug. He could feel the younger's tears. om his shoulder.

Joshua pulled away, making the older confused, but then immediately pulled Jeonghan in for a soft kiss.

You could hear the clicks and screams from the fans. Hearing it, the couple laughed into the kiss.

"Jisoo..I seriously love you. I hope you know that.." Jeonghan whispered into the other's ear.

"I love you too Jeonghan." Joshua began tearing up again and full on sobbed into the other's shirt. The fans awwed at the cute idol and so did Jeonghan. (i would too no joke)


-after the concert cuz i am not writing about them performing again-

Everyone plopped down in the nearest seats except for the lovely couple.

Jeonghan ran up to the younger, hugging him from behind. Joshua yelped, but turned around to hug the older back.

"I am so so sorry, Jisoo...I wanted to tell you everything in the past week, but I wasn't sure if you were ready so I decided to reveal it and-" Joshua stopped the older's rant with a kiss.

"It's okay, Jeonghan. I forgive you. You said enough on stage." Joshua wrapped his around Jeonghan's head, practically hugging it.

"But it's not...I'm sorry that I didn't tell you sooner..." Jeonghan paused a bit. "When Seungcheol and I were talking.."

"It's okay Jeonghan. You don't have to-"

"No! When Seungcheol and I were talking. I was talking about you. About how I'm seriously in love with you. I know it sounds fake, but Seungcheol would literally show you a video." He paused to catch his breath. "I am in love with you Jisoo. I can't be in love with anyone else."

Joshua held in his tears with the most adorable pout. "Seriously, quit making me mess up my makeup.." Joshua wiped his tears before talking again. "I love you too Jeonghan. At first, I didn't admit it, but seriously you changed everything for me. You're literally made for me.."

Jeonghan smiled before going in for a kiss.

"Alright, since you're done with the apology thing, let me show you the video." S.Coups pulled out his phone.

"Oh wait, you're actually-" Jeonghan was interrupted by the his own voice in the video.

Joshua listened to the video, still slinging onto the older while Jeonghan got embarrassed and hid himself.

"Awww..Shuasexual? That's cute, babe." Joshua teased. Jeonghan let out an embarrassed groan, hiding in the younger's shoulder. "It's okay. I'll be the Shua to your Shuasexual."

Author's Note: 😘❤️


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