Chapter 12

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"Where's Shua?" Jeonghan asked through the silence in the dining room. Everyone definitely overheard to argument last night so it was a bit awkward for anyone to talk about it.

"Uhm...he's still in bed." Hoshi answered before taking a bite of his rice.

"It's already 10 though.." Jeonghan muttered that, but everyone heard it. "Nevermind."

Jeonghan went to go find something for breakfast in the kitchen where S.Coups was. The older turned to the noise and saw Jeonghan walking in from the door.

"Oh! Jeonghan!" S.Coups placed his mug down and walked over to the younger. "Look..I'm really sorry you and Joshua had that argument last ni-"

"Don't apologize. It's not your fault, it's mine." Jeonghan was frowning the whole time. "I should've tried to help him or do something to fix it. Instead..I fucking yelled at him."

Jeonghan looked more disappointed in himself than mad at Joshua. " I can't talk to him. I told him that he could talk to me once he's ready, but..but what if he breaks up with me.."

"He won't Jeonghan! He loves you more than anything! Don't think like that or it might actually happen!" S.Coups punched the guy's shoulder, making him snap out of it.

"Yeah..yeah you're right. All I can do now is hope for the best.." Jeonghan sighed and went to grab a bowl.

"Y'know, the concert is coming up." S.Coups says.

"Yeah no shit." S.Coups just rolled his eyes and continued after hearing the younger's sas.

"If you guys don't resolve your argument by then, maybe you could resolve it during the concert. Maybe you could do something that would convince him that you seriously love him 'cause from how you were talking about him yesterday, you are down bad." S.Coups laughed at the flustered younger.

Yeah, the whole time Joshua had been jealous of his boyfriend talking to a friend about Joshua himself.

"Of course I'm down bad for him. Have you met him. He's gorgeous, sweet, adorable as hell. He could literally be anything! There's no reason for me to NOT fall for him.." Jeonghan poured his cereal in the bowl and then milk after.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Let's go." The two brought their breakfast into the dining room and was greeted with different looks. Either side eyes, glares or just regular stares.

The side eyes were from Seungkwan and the glares were from The8 and Vernon.

"Bet you were having fun in-" The8 was shut up by Seungkwan before the red head could go any further.

"Myungho, I know that you think that I'm cheating on Jisoo, but I swear I'm not. Sure I was talking to Seungcheol yesterday, but it's not like you know what we were talking about." Jeonghan took a seat at the table and began eating his cereal.

"Then what were you talking about?" Vernon asked.

Jeonghan didn't answer. He found it embarrassing to admit what he had said. Especially if they wanted him to go into full detail.

"He was talking about Shua the whole time." S.Coups let out a playful sigh. "Sorry Jeonghan, but I'm exposing you before anyone thinks you're any more suspicious."

Jeonghan glared at the older, but it didn't seem like S.Coups cared.

"I'm going into full detail by the way. So Jeonghan was talking about how much he loved Shua and I know that sounds stupid but I'm being deadass. He was ranting about Joshua features and how kind Shua is. That's why he was blushing when he heard Joshua's voice." S.Coups took a breath before continuing. "If you don't believe me, I literally have a recording of him practically fanboying over his own boyfriend."

"You what!?" Jeonghan's head flipped over to the oldest. Jeonghan's face was flushed red from embarrassment.

"I seriously do!" S.Coups pulled out his phone and played a recording for the other members while Jeonghan sat in seat, groaning to himself.

"Dude, I swear to god I love Shua so much. He's literally the most gorgeous man I have ever met. He's the reason I'm bi bro. I'm fucking Shuasexual."

DK let out a snort, following along with the other member's laughs. "Shuasexual."

"Gosh, if you were talking about this you should've said so." The8 rolled his eyes at the older.

"This is the reason why I didn't want to tell you! Do you see how embarrassing this is!?" Jeonghan groaned into his seat. "Seungcheol you traitor!"

"Sorry, but they were getting more suspicious bu the second so.." Jeonghan just rolled his eyes at the excuse.

After breakfast, Joshua was still not awake. It made Jeonghan worried so he asked Hoshi to go check up on the younger.

When Hoshi came back out, he informed the older that Joshua didn't want to leave the room. He was too tired and his eyes were puffy.

Hearing that just made Jeonghan even more worried. So, he decided to make Joshua a meal and have Hoshi bring it in.

Then he remembered he couldn't cook so he asked Mingyu to help. Afterwards, he had Hoshi bring it in.

The whole time, Jeonghan waited outside the door, waiting for the younger to come out with either an empty tray or nothing.

And so he did with an empty tray. "I told Shua hyung that Mingyu made it so he said thank you. Practically meaning thank you to you though."

Hoshi left, bringing the tray to kitchen and leaving the older sighing in relief.

Then, he started thinking about what do for the concert. It'll be 6 more days until the concert and if the couple doesn't fix anything, Jeonghan will definitely do his best to convince the younger.

He just wants to hug and kiss Joshua already. He misses him so much that everything he does reminds him of Joshua.

He's even bored with everything now that the younger is just staying in his room.

Jeonghan just hopes that it doesn't happen in the next few days.


Jeonghan was somewhat right. Joshua did continue to stay in his room most of the time, but would go outside in some occasions.

He's obviously avoiding Jeonghan though. If they meet in the halls and make eye contact, the younger rushed away.

That shot a pang through Jeonghan's heart. Jeonghan just wants Joshua back into his arms and kissing him. He wants to tell Joshua how much he means to him. But he can't.

He'll have to wait until Joshua's ready. Until then, he'll probably have to do it during the concert.

Author's Note: the chapter was kinda lazy. there was no dialogue and mostly just narration. unless you're fine with it then cool but ya 😘❤️


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