Chapter 11

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How did it come to this? Joshua was walking randomly around the streets. He was supposed to be walking back to the dorms but ended up walking to the nearby park.

He sat on the swing as if he was a drunk man. Tears were streaming down his face from frustration.

"Fuck you..Yoon Jeonghan.."


"Wow..this restaurant is pretty nice." Everyone was looking around the restaurant, admiring the decorations.

The waiter led them to their seats and when they sat down, Joshua was expecting Jeonghan to sit next to him, but instead the older sat next to the S.Coups.

Joshua didn't really care though. He can't keep Jeonghan from hanging out with other people anyways.

They ordered their food and just talked about random things. Joshua really wanted to go and talk to Jeonghan, but just stayed in his seat while the other two were talking. He ended up talking to DK, who he didn't mind talking to.

The food took a while to prepare since the place was pretty packed. So, Joshua stood up and walked over to Jeonghan, wrapping his arms around the other's neck.

"What is it Shua?" Jeonghan rubbed the younger's elbows, keeping his attention on S.Coups.

"Nothing. Just felt like hugging." Joshua says.

"Hm? Uhm..okay?" He continued to talk to S.Coups which made the younger slightly hurt.

'Why aren't you paying attention to me..' is what he wanted to say, but he didn't want to seem possessive. 

After, he just walked back to his seat and sat quietly. Seungkwan noticed the situation and immediately went to the older.

"It's okay hyung. I'm sure he doesn't mean anything by it." Seungkwan gave the other a kind smile.

"Thanks Seungkwan. Maybe I'm overthinking it.."

The food came out and they all immediately started to eat because they were starving.

"Wow! This place really is good." Everyone was complimenting the food, but Joshua was just happily eating. Until he looked up.

He looked up in time to see the two older members feeding each other as if they were a couple. They did this before, but Joshua felt jealous this time.

He did his best to just eat normally and talk to the other members, but he couldn't help but have a weird feeling in his chest.

The other two just continued to feed each other and talk to each other like the no one else were there. Surely if you seen the table you would think those two would be dating and not Joshua and Jeonghan.

Joshua just shrugged it off and continued eating, hoping that nothing further would happen.

He should've hoped more.

After they finished eating, they all split there ways to drive the cars. Jeonghan and S.Coups were nonstop talking that Jeonghan almost got into the car with him when he was supposed to drive a different one.

Joshua was really curious on what they were talking about that would have them act like this.

"Jeonghan. You're supposed to drive this car." Joshua called out to his boyfriend, who turned around with a hint of blush on his face. Joshua couldn't tell if it was blush from embarrassment or blush from the romantic kind.

"Oh..right.." Jeonghan walked to the car, walking passed Joshua. He usually would grab the younger's hand, but guess not this time.

They all got into the car (Jeonghan, Joshua, The8 and Dino) and Jeonghan started the car. He began driving and there was silence. Except for the music in the radio of course.

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