~ Chapter 14 ~

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"Wow..it's already our 3rd anniversary Hannie. The Carats have been supporting us for so long." Joshua caressed the older's hair, who was laying on Joshua's lap. "Do you think they'll continue to?"

"Of course they will. They're our fans after all." Joshua chuckled at his boyfriend's words.

"Yeah, yeah, of course." Joshua leaned down gave the older a soft kiss. When he pulled away, Jeonghan opened his eyes and smirked.

"What was that for, babe?" Jeonghan asked.

"Just felt like kissing I guess." Joshua moved a strand of his face from his face and tucked it behind his ear before going back to the older. "Did you not like it or what?"

"Hm..maybe if it was longer I would enjoy it." Jeonghan had a childish grin on his face, making the other laugh.

"Gosh..3 years and you're still as corny as ever." Joshua says.

"That's something we can all agree on."

The couple looked over at the oldest member, who was sitting on the couch chair. He looked disgusted even though he was on his phone.

"You guys have been like this ever since. Cringe." Seungkwan said from behind the couch.

"C'mon Kwannie~" Joshua grinned, "You act the exact same with Hansol."

"That's-that's different!" Seungkwan pouted away probably to his boyfriend.

"Why are you even here, Seungcheol?" Jeonghan asked and received a side eye.

"This is the dorm's living room? I live here?" S.Coups gave a huge amount of sas and that could only have one meaning.

"Did Chan go out with a friend again?" Joshua asked. S.Coups hesitantly nodded, embarrassingly. "Dude, if you don't like it then tell him."

"But I don't want to seem possessive.." S.Coups says.

This was giving Joshua deja vu. From the time he got jealous of Jeonghan and S.Coups.

"You won't, Cheol. Just talk to him about it and say you're scared. It's Chan. He'll understand and listen." Joshua says.

S.Coups frowned, but finally grew the courage. "Okay, I'll talk to him when he gets back."

The couple clapped, sarcastically, leading to S.Coups throwing pillows at them.

"Whatever. Have fun on your 3rd anniversary I guess." S.Coups walked off.

"We will!" Jeonghan yelled.

The couple laughed at the poor leader. This is what S.Coups has to deal with.

"Ah! Jeonghan, you booked a reserva-"

"Yes. Yes I did. I did a week ago, baby." Jeonghan sat back up, scooting closer to his boyfriend. "We'll leave at 5:20."

The older wrapped his arm around Joshua's shoulder so the other could melt into the warmth and touch.

"Alright..I'm tired so make sure to wake me up at 3:30." Joshua yawned.

"3:30? Why 3:30?" Jeonghan asked.

"I need to get ready, babe." Joshua laid on the older's shoulder.

"You're gonna take over 2 hours to get ready?" Jeonghan was in disbelief. Not sure why because Joshua always takes a long time to get ready.

"Of course. Unless you don't want me to look good." Joshua looked up at the older, knowing that he's flashing his doe eyes.

"You better be looking good for me then." Jeonghan joked, winking at the younger.

"Of course, yeah yeah." Joshua yawned and fell asleep on Jeonghan's shoulder.

"Gosh..I fell for you hard. I love you, Jisoo." Jeonghan whispered.

"I love you too, babe." Joshua answers.

"Oh shit, you're awake?"

"Jeonghan, I am not gonna take 5 seconds to fall asleep." Joshua chuckled, resting his chin on the older's shoulder.

"Right...maybe a kiss would help?" Their lips were almost touching and practically did when Joshua giggled.

"Anything for you." Joshua connected their lips and they shared a warm, soft kiss.

'Guess I really am in love with Yoon Jeonghan.'

THE END!!!❤️❤️

Author's Note: thank you for reading "Won't Say I'm In Love" but it has to come to an end!!
i hope you enjoyed the series! hopefully the ending didn't seem too rushed 😭😭
please check out my other ffs if you want to read more yoonhong content! ❤️❤️❤️❤️



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