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a/n: make sure you're caught up on monarch's profile before reading this chapter or other chapters ahead, i have a habit of changing things. :)

also i'm gonna start this with a little duo mission with monarch and greene to introduce the besties


all things start somewhere.

the operation was to go as planned. lt. greene and i were to approach the gate and improvise a way inside,

i stayed to the shadows as i made my way to the gate, greene directly following my footsteps. this was an off-grid cartel facility, so it didn't expect the security to be KGB-level. i was correct with flying colors.

two men stood on either side of the gate, armed with rifles but not armored. i extended my arm in front of greene, motioning for him to stop. he watched me, waiting for his orders. i saw how closely his eyes were fixed on me, and i knew he was playing a game with himself. trying to predict the monarch's movements.

a slight grin crossed my face below my mask and i reached to one of the holsters on my thigh, pulling out two stiletto throwing knives. i saw a glitter of interest in his eyes as i handed him one of the knives, and he took the silver blade and examined it rather closely.

my eyes turned back to the gate. i zoned in on the two guards, but was snapped out of my focus by a rather urgent tap on the shoulder from greene. "incoming truck, left side." he said, pointing as he spoke. 

i raised my right hand and formed a claw with my fingers, moving my hand to my ear and turning my wrist. 'radio.'

greene understood my sign language and automatically reached to his radio. "watcher, this is greene. there's an incoming truck. might be aq. stand by," there was a pause. 

i tilt my head. why didn't she automatically respond? 

"laswell, how copy?" greene called again, sensing my stress.

"solid copy, do not engage until you have positive id on the men in the truck." laswell's voice came as a relief. 

greene glanced up at me. i nod at him. "rog," he affirms.

i reach for the silenced sniper i brought with me for this purpose, scoping in to follow the truck that grew nearer and nearer every second. soon enough, it was directly in front of the gate. i inhaled, steadying my scope enough to study the men that exited. i was acutely aware of greene copying my movements, except he was directing his attention to the opposite side of the vehicle.

after a moment, greene relaxed slightly. i knew what he saw. i saw it too.

i glanced at him, nodding and using both of my hands to sign 'clear.'  he tilted his head at me. i quickly caught on and signed the letters 'a' 'q'. he nodded and grabbed his radio again.

"laswell, they're aq." 

another pause. 

the radio silence bugged me. my eyes flickered toward greene, and he looked directly back at me. we knew what the other was thinking.

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