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"You would not understand, this is not how I am. I have become comfortably numb."


I watch with astonishment as the Shadow Company aircraft takes precise shots at the armed hostiles on the ground.

After a moment, I hear graves over the radio. "0-4, all visible targets are down. over."

"Shadow-1, copy that," I returned.

Ghost interjected. "We'll be clearing the stables first. Roping now." I met his eyes from my position, and was caught off-guard by the challenging look in his eyes. He wanted to be in charge. I huff indignantly and return to the mission.

"0-7, copy your mark. You're clear to proceed," Graves announced.

"Shadow-1, we're moving now," Ghost stated, "If the target squirts, let us know."

"Shadow-1 copies."

Ghost turns his head toward Soap and me. "Soap," he barks, "Freeze down the right side. take Monarch with you."

"Aye," affirms Soap.

I shoot Ghost an irritated look. "Greene, tail ghost in the middle," I order spitefully.

"Copy, captain," Greene replied, and I could tell from his voice that he knew.

"Breaching," Ghost utters.

We hustle in and fight our way through. No Hassan anywhere.

"Graves," Ghost calls. "Negative on Hassan! It's a dry hole!"

"Ghost, copy that," Graves responds coolly. "I need you out of the building. Move north right now."

"Copy. Moving!"

"Graves, we're clear!" I notify.

"Drop that fuckin' building now!" Ghost exclaims.

"0-7, copy. Danger close."

As Shadow deals with the stables, Alejandro calls to move west to the greenhouse.

"All stations, there's armed personnel in the greenhouse."

I ready some throwing knives and wait for the order.

"Contact!" Ghost declared.

I swiftly throw one of the stiletto knives into the throat of a guard.

"Check fire!" Soap hisses, "Hassan could be inside!"

I glare sharply at Soap and continue my onslaught, now more cautious of who I targeted.

"Monarch, keep your men back, we're fixin' to engage the greenhouse." Graves warned.

"Solid copy." I acknowledge, putting my knives away.

We bolt away from the greenhouse and move up.

"Shadow-1, good effect on target," Ghost comments. "We're moving up."

The Monarch [ Ghost ]Where stories live. Discover now