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Lily had gotten the job and words couldn't describe how happy she was. Dave had given her a step by step introduction to the shop, and was now working the front desk, he had said that in time he would also teach her how to work the tattoo gun. Ashton had spent the past week getting ready for his family to arrive, his mum had called and said that she and his siblings had booked tickets to come over. He was always talking about his family, all except this father, he didn't really like to talk about him, mainly because he knew very little about him but from what he did he didn't like it. Lily was just finishing up her shift at the parlor when she got a text from Ashton,

'my siblings are over - want to come meet them? :)' he had been ecstatic that his family had come to visit him, he hadn't seen or really heard from them since he moved to London, seeing as it was an out of the blue decision. He really wanted Lily to meet them, he wanted his mum and siblings to meet her and see how happy she made him. 

'I'd love to :)' from what Ashton had said about about his brother and sister they seemed really nice, also Lily had grown up with a little brother so she thought she wasn't too bad with kids. It wasn't long before Lily arrived at Ashton's apartment, already being able to hear loud giggles from inside, most of which being Ashton's. She knocked and waited anxiously, she always hoped the person would hear on the first knock because knocking twice made her nervous.

"Lily!" Ashton chuckled as he opened the door, smiling widely,

"Hey" she smiled back and walked inside behind him,

"Lauren, Harry, I want you to come and meet someone" he wrapped his arm around her waist, comforting her just in case either of them made a rude comment about her. Lily watched as two kids ran from around the corner, quickly stopping in front of the couple,

"Guys this is Lily, my girlfriend" he gestured his head towards her, keeping his eyes on his siblings, "Lily this is Harry, he's ten and Lauren, she's twelve" 

"Hi guys" 

"Your hair is so pretty!" Lauren squealed walking closer and gesturing for Lily to bend down, which she did without hesitation, "I wish I could do this to my hair" Lauren sighed, feeling Lily's hair between her fingers,

"Mum says no?" Lily knew all too well about not being allowed to dye her hair or get tattoos, she had wanted them for years but her family were super against it.

"Yeah" she huffed,

"I had to wait until I was eighteen to dye my hair, my parents hated it when I finally did, you should've seen their faces! It was a million times worse when I got my tattoos" both of them looked down at Lily's exposed arms, she had decided to wear just a t-shirt, she knew Ashton's siblings were young and probably wouldn't understand what the scars were from. Kids had asked her about them many times before, each time she would come up with an entertaining story for them. Harry walked over at the mention of tattoos, his eyes lighting up at one particular tattoo,

"Do you like batman?" he asked loudly, pointing at the little batman logo on her upper arm,

"I love batman, and I'm guessing you do too?" Harry nodded rapidly. Ashton watched as Lily bobbed down to the height of his siblings and discussed her tattoos and what she liked, words couldn't describe how happy he was that they were getting along.

"Come on now guys, I want to hang out with my girlfriend too" Ashton pouted,

"Your brother is such a baby" Lily sighed, "we saw the new Fast & Furious movie and he cried at the end"

"It was sad!"

"See" Lily whispered making both Lauren and Harry laugh, "maybe I should hang out with him before he starts crying again" both the kids started laughing even harder, leaving Ashton confused as he didn't hear Lily's last two comments.

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