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Ashton ended up staying the whole night, which wasn’t his original plan but when he attempted to leave it woke Lily up and she begged him to stay, and he couldn’t say no to her, considering what they had just bee through together. While the two of them were awake Lily decided to move from the couch to her bed, both of them were slightly hesitant at first but then realised it wasn’t any different to what they were doing on the couch.

Once both of them were comfy, Ashton pulled the blanket over the top of them. There was a gap between the two of them and Ashton couldn’t take it anymore, he wrapped his arms around her once again and pulled her into his side, she didn’t fight against his sudden movement and gently placed her head on his chest, listening to each one of his heartbeats.

This was what Ashton had imagined a relationship with Lily would be like, even though they weren’t together they were just friends at the moment. He just sat there quietly, watching her small body moving up and down steadily, he loved how small she was, it made him want to protect her even more then he promised to. He knew this moment wouldn’t last forever and that when they woke up in the morning they would just go back to being friends and pretend this night never happened.

He shortly fell asleep as the girl of his dreams laid pressed against his chest with barely any space between them, able to hear each other’s heartbeats and feel the warmth of their skin.

Unlike Ashton, Lily was unsure of what the two of them were now, or will be in the morning. She didn’t even know what she felt for him. Lily had never really experienced love, she thought she had at times but that was more of the love you have for your favourite song or colour, not another human being. Ashton had made her feel worth something, like she had a reason to live, something she hadn’t felt in over two years, is that what love is?

As usual she was overthinking, as she lay pressed against Ashton, couples did this, does this mean they’re a couple? She was enjoying being this close to him. She didn’t want to ask him, assuming that there was something between them, something more then friends and then making everything awkward like she always did. She felt like such a confused idiot.

Finally day rolled around and the two of them stayed firmly planted in Lily’s bed, unknowing that both of them were wide-awake and thinking. Lily was trying to figure out how she felt about this guy she’d barely known for a month and was now in her bed after coming over and finding out about her self-harm and suicidal intentions. Meanwhile Ashton was thinking about how much he adored Lily, the girl who was still practically a stranger to him, and if he should tell her how he felt.

“Lily are you awake?” Ashton spoke quietly, breaking the silence that had filled the apartment since last night. She just hummed in response.

“How are you feeling?”

“Okay I guess” ‘okay’ was a cop-out, she was actually so confused about everything,

“Better than last night?” she rolled onto her side to face him; it was so early in the morning yet he looked so handsome.

“Better since you came over” she smiled weakly. She suddenly became very self-conscious and covered her face with her hands realising that she had been sobbing last night and then slept, her make-up and hair was probably all over the place.

“What’s up?” he asked, slightly confused at her sudden action,

“I probably look like such a mess right now”

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