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Lily sat down at the front desk of the parlor, taking in all her surroundings, she was loving her job even after only a few shifts. She had received compliments on some of her tattoos from a few of the customers, which brightened her days. Although today she wasn't feeling too good, she felt very lightheaded and numb in her hands and feet, but she just shrugged it off as being tired.

"Lily?" she looked up to see her coworker El staring at her with a concerned look on her face,

"Yeah?" Lily answered upon noticing that her name was being called,

"Are you okay? You look really pale"

"Yeah-yeah, I'm all good" she nodded, making her feel like she was going to throw up

"Maybe you should have a break, I'll fill in for you"

"Thanks" using the desk to help her up, Lily stood up. Once on her feet, she felt her eyes roll back into her skull before collapsing onto the floor, everything going black. El was quick enough to catch her floppy body before she hit the floor, lowering her down and resting Lily's head on her thighs,

"Dave, Olie, Aimee, Mikey! Someone help!" El screamed out, not knowing what to do or who to call. Dave was around the corner in a flash, eyes widening at the sight of Lily

"What happened?" He bobbed down next to the two girls,

"I don't know, we were talking and then she fainted. She didn't look to good beforehand" she stuttered, "should I call an ambulance?"

"Not just yet, we'll see if she wakes up first, if she doesn't within an hour then we call an ambulance" El nodded, stroking Lily's hair. "I'll take her into the back room where you can keep an eye on her okay?" El nodded again, completely scared from the past few events. Dave scooped her up bridal style and carried her through the store, getting concerned glances from the rest of the employees. He placed her down on the small leather couch, El crouching down in front of it, vowing not taking her eyes off of her. El was new just like Lily, both of them getting hired around the same time, except El working with piercings rather than tattoos. The two of them got along well from the get go, their friendship growing during each shift. As more time passed, more people within the parlour were informed with what had happened to Lily, Mikey joining El in watching over Lily's unconscious body. El began fidgeting from her spot next to Lily on the couch, catching Mikey's attention,

"Are you okay?"

"Emotionally not, physically I need to pee"

"Then go?"

"I can't, I don't want to leave her. What if she wakes up while I'm gone?"

"Jesus El she's unconscious, not in a coma, she'll be fine for a minute while you pee. I'll be here" El quickly glanced between the bathrooms, which were about five metres away from her, and Lily on the couch a few times before running to the bathrooms in a split second. Mikey moved his chair closer to Lily, getting really worried, she was much paler than usual and had been out cold for almost an hour now. He was slightly scared that she wasn't even breathing anymore so he slowly inched closer to her, pressing two fingers to her neck trying to find a pulse. Just as he touched her she began to mumble and grumble,

"Guys I think she's waking up!" he yelled after jumping out of his skin, at least she was alive.

"For the love of god!" El screamed from the bathroom as she practically kicked the door down, running back to Lily's side, "I told you this would happen!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't expect her to wake up just as you left like some stupid movie!"

"Shut up you two!" Dave grumbled as he pushed them out of the way to get to Lily, just as her eyes opened slowly, "Lily, can you hear me?"

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