Chapter 22-Top Gun Maverick

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"Going back to the sky?" Sero said confuse as some

"Is this the same universe where Todoroki and Yaoyorozu are pilots?" Deku asks

"Not exactly. But some of you are pilots for the US Navy" L replies

"Pilots, huh? Well movie dogfights rarely realistic for the sake of aesthetic" Delta said "Let's see whether this one is movie fun, or realistic fun"

"A mix of both, Lieutenant Colonel" L said "But be advised thought, all of your callsigns in this universe has been changed. For example, Uraraka won't be "Uravity" here" L explains

"Then what is my callsign?" Uraraka asks curious

"That will be explains in the movie. But for some, there are no explanation. So just be prepared" L replies 

The scene stars with several pilots sitting down in a hangar facing a podium

"Attention on deck!" An officer yells then the entire pilots stand up

Aizawa and Snipe walk towards the hangar. Aizawa then walks and stands beside David while Snipe walks towards the podium

"Good morning. Welcome to your special training detachment. Be seated" Snipe greets the pilots "I'm Admiral Snipe, NAWDC commander. You're all Top Gun Graduates. Elite, best of the best" Snipe said making the pilots to smile proud and Bakugou to smile cockily

"Just like the Pacific Rim universe. Looking sharp, Aizawa" All Might smiles

"For some reason I can see myself becoming a Navy officer" Aizawa claim "But it's too tiresome" He added

"Wow, Snipe Sensei is also here" Sero said 

"What's naw..." Kota having trouble saying the word

"N.A.W.D.C." Delta spells "United States Navy's Naval Aviation Warfighting Development Center. It is the center of excellence for training and tactics development. NAWDC provides service to aircrews, squadrons and air wings throughout the through flight training, academic instructional classes, and direct operational and intelligence support" Delta explains

"So, it's a school for pilots" Deku said

"In an essence, yes" Delta confirms

"That was yesterday" Snipe bluntly said wiping the pilot's smiles "The enemy's new 5th-generation fighter has level the playing field. Details are few but you can be sure we no longer possess the technological advantage" Snipe explains

"Yes!" Hatsume said excitedly "Technology is an important aspect and having a technological advantage is the upmost importance!" She claims with David and Melissa agreeing

"Technology is important true" Delta said "But the human factor is much more important. What's the point of a cutting-edge technology if you have the skillset of an idiot" He claims

"And that's the beauty of technology!" Hatsume yells "Even if you are an idiot, those babies can help you" She claims

"While it is true that the technology of the aircraft plays a vital role, the pilot's skills play the most important roles in a dogfight. An example: An aircraft with radar has an advantage compares to an aircraft without radar. However, it doesn't mean the aircraft without radar performs worse than the radar-equipped counterpart, especially in a close-range dogfight" Delta explains

"Because the skills of the pilot will be the most decisive factor" Deku realizes

"Precisely" Delta confirms "You could fly the most technologically advanced fighter jet in the world, but if you don't know how to use those technology to its full potential or its intended usage, then you are just flying a soon to be multi-million-dollar wreck of scrap metal" He explains

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