Chapter 11 Batman Begins

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"So we will see an underground here, eh?" Aizawa said intrigue

"Yes, sir, but he is also a vigilante as well" L added surprising them

"That is-" Iida try to scold but L cut him

"I want you to shut up, Iida" L warned Iida surprising him

"What do you mean? He's a vigilante! He break the law!" Iida argue

"Yes, he broke the law, but that because he rattle the cage of the corrupt city government" L explain surprising them again

"Corrupt? What do you mean corrupt?" Midoriya ask confuse as others

"The city of Gotham, the city where the hero came from is a corrupt city, and what the hero trying to do is to "clean" the city. By doing that the corrupt is getting restless and paid the cop to chase him, that's why he is declare a vigilante" L explain

"Damn those corrupt! He's doing something good for the city!" Sero yell angrily

"Those corrupt are not manly!" Kirishima claim angrily

"Since when they are?" Mina ask sarcastically

"Corrupt..." All Might clench his fist in anger

"Looks like those kind of people always exist, eh?" Snipe said angrily

"In every time and every place, they will always exist" Nezu said angrily

"Alright enough with that, let's get started" L snap his finger

The screen show Det. Tsukauchi walking inside a building and up the stairs, and not far way from him SWAT also entering the building

"Hey! That's my friend!" All Might claim seeing his friend

"Tsukauchi isn't it?" Midoriya ask

"Yes" All Might confirm

"He's the one from the USJ" Mina realize

"You're right, kero" Asui agree with her

As Tsukauchi walk up the stairs something with black clothes appear from above then grab and take him upstairs

"AHHHHH!!!" The audience yell surprise and terrified

"A ghost!" Uraraka yell afraid

"AHHHH!!! Change the channel!" Mineta yell terrified

"What the hell is that?!" Bakugou yell surprise

"Sigh... This is stressful..." L facepalm

Tsukauchi and the grabber reach the top floor and Tsukauchi see Emi on the floor looking dead

"What's happen to her?" Tsukauchi ask worried

"Emi...?" Aizawa ask surprise

"Who?" All Might ask

"You all would know her as Ms. Joke" L explain

"Wait, that's Ms. Joke?!" Midoriya ask surprise as others

"What happen to her?" Aizawa ask a little worried

L point the screen

"Crane poisoned her with a psychotropic hallucinogen, a panic-inducing toxin" The grabber explain

Meanwhile downstairs, SWAT are climbing up the stairs

'Poisoned?' Aizawa though worried

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