Chapter 1 Part 4 Pacific Rim

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The scene start with Sero holding 4 cups of coffee and a donuts an his mouth

"Ey Sero that's you!" Bakusquad shouted

"Movement in the breach, double impact" the system alerted, Sero looks confuse

"Two signatures, signature are category 4" The system alerted

In the breach kaiju "Otachi" raise and roar

"Wait two?! There's two kaiju?" Mina ask in horror as everyone

"Yes there is two kaiju" L confirm

"So this is the surprise you are talking about?" Yaoyorozu ask terrified

"Yes this is the surprise, in last part they mention that the frequency of the attack is increasing , so 2 thing can happen, either it's 1 there will be a kaiju appearing every second or 2 there will be two kaiju appear at the same time. In this case it's the first one" L explain everyone is in horror

"Will they'll be alright?" Ojiro ask worried

"They will be alright Ojiro, they have 4 jaegers they outnumber them" Tooru assure him

'Oh they will be mistaken' L thought

Everyone is assembling in the control bay

"The breach was expose at 2300 hours, we have two signatures both category 4, code name " Otachi, Leatherback" they'll reach Hong Kong within the hour" Sero explain

"Man for something that is terrifying, those name are cool" Kaminari said

"Not really the right time idiot" Jirou rolled her eyes

"Evacuated the city, shut down the bridges, i want every civilian on a refugee right now. Crimson Typhoon, Cherno Alpha i want you in the frontline of the harbor stay in the miracle mile, Striker i want you to stay back and watch the coastline, we cannot afford to lose you so only engage as a final option" Aizawa ordered the pilot

"Yes sir!" both Toshinori and Shoto comply

"You two, you stay put, let's go!" Aizawa ordered Midoriya and Uraraka then order the others to roll out

"Why is Aizawa sensei ask us to stay behind?" Midoriya ask Uraraka is confuse as well

"More importantly, why he ask the two of them" Mina added

"She is his co-pilot, and there's an accident during testing, so those two are ask to stand down" L explain

"Ohh~ so you two are together eh~" Mina tease Uraraka

"Says the one who are married~" Uraraka tease her back

Mina and Kirishima became pink and red respectively

Crimson Typhoon and Cherno Alpha is being lift by a number of CH-47s across the bay while Striker Eureka walk there

"Command, Striker got the ball and we're on the roll" Shoto report

"Command, near position and awaiting your orders" Toshinori requested

"Remain in the miracle mile, engage at your discretion. Guys be careful this category 4 is the biggest we ever saw both in size and weigh" Aizawa ordered

"The biggest in size and weigh? This can't be good" Sato said terrified others as well

"Chernov reaching target zone, disengaging transport" Mina said as she tab some button on the projection

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