Chapter 1 Pacific Rim

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Part 1

"Alright folks let's start this show with my most favorite type of movies" L said as he grab 3 box of pizza and 2 liter of soda from the food table and rush his way to his sofa(yes he get a sofa)

"Whoa L what's with the hurry?" Kirishima ask his

"Oh it's just this is my most favorite genre" said L excited

"And that is?" ask Midoriya

"Mecha! and  monster!" L said with his fist in the air

"MECHA? Where? where?" Hatsume ask as she get excited as well

"Without further ado, let's start" L snap his finger and the movie start

The movie start with computer sound and a text

KAIJU(怪獣, kaiju, japanese) Giant Beast

JAEGER(ya gar, german) Hunter

"Kaiju? wait is this a giant movie monster?" All Might ask

"No this is THE giant movie monster" L answer with proud

"Wait jaeger is hunter?" Kaminari ask to no one

"Yes jaeger is the German word for hunter" Yaoyorozu answer him

"When i was a kid whenever i'd feel small or loney i'd looked up at the stars" Midoriya narrated as the screen show dots like stars

"Hey Midoriya it's you" Kirishima said to him, he just confuse

"Why is that nerd here!?" Bakugou ask  with anger

"Well Midoriya is the protagonist of this movie and we are watching your multiverse so it's kinda make sense if he shown here" L answer both boys

"Wow Deku-kun your the protagonis" Uraraka said with cheers

"I'm the protagonist?" Midoriya ask confuse

"Yes you are moving on"

"Wondered if there is life out there" Midoriya continued

"So the kaiju is alien? Ojiro ask

"Find out yourself"  L told him

"Turns out i was looking in the wrong direction"

"What?" Everyone confuse

"When alien life entered our word it was from the deep beneath the pacific ocean" the screen show a fissure then suddenly there's blue lightning bouncing between the fissure"a fissure between 2 tectonic plates, portal between dimension" a sting of fire suddenly appear"the breach, i was 15 when the first kaiju made land in San Fransisco" the screen turn white then shows the kaiju" Axehead" approach and destroy the Golden Gate Bridge

The audience are shocked by the size of the kaiju

"Holy mother that thing is massive!" Kaminari scream in horror

"Oh My Godness how big is that thing" All Might shocked by what he see

"Around 315 feet or 96m" Said L while eating pizza

Cars and part of the bridge start falling to the sea then F-22s flown and began attacking the kaiju with their guns and missile" Come on let's do this let's go go go" one of the jest radio calls then the aircraft crash to the claw of the kaiju as the screen shows the side of the kaiju

"Oh my i don't thing the military is able to take down something that big" Yaoyorozo commented

"We'll see" L said

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