Chapter 17 Part 2 The Hero Who Answer The Call Of Duty

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"All right, we will continue with the soldier Midoriya world" L said

"So which past are we watching now?" Midoriya ask

"Your first encounter with villains, U.S.J." L reply making Class 1-A to groan

"Ah, yeah, who would forget" Sero said sarcastically

"U.S. and J. our very first near dead experience" Kaminari said sarcastically

"Hahahaha! This is perfect! We will see how pathetic Class-ack!" Monoma mocked but Kendo knock him out

"Sorry" Kendo apologize

"I wonder what is going on inside his head" Midoriya said worried

"Maybe he have rabies?" Uraraka wonder making Class 1-B to think for a while

"We'll check it when we get back" Tetsutetsu reassure

"All right then, let's start" L said as he play the movie

"Emergency: Hostile has breached the facilities, Numbers: unknown, Class: Class C to Class B, Location: U.S.J., Communication: Jammed, Reinforcement: Unavailable, Status: Alive, Mission: Survive" Izuku narrated as the U.S.J. is being breached by villains

"Damn, the way Midoriya said it is like an objective in a game" Kaminari claim

"Well, his quirk is game-related. So it does make sense" Jiro said

"Objective Updated: Survived" Sero said in a game like voice

"Oh, that's a good one" Kaminari praise

"You realize by said that, you will face danger" Mina pointed out

"We face them before, and those who are worse" Kaminari shrug

From the portal villain exited and began to scatter around the facilities

"13 and Eraserhead, huh? The teacher's schedule we receive the other day, said that All Might was also suppose to be here" Kurogiri shrink down and became a person

"The trespassing the other day was the work of these scumbags after all, huh?" Aizawa said irritated

"So they the one who sneak in to the teacher's office" Izuku said irritated surprising Aizawa

"What do you mean sneak in to the teacher's office?" Aizawa ask confuse

"Earlier during the break in, I spotted an unknown tango at the teacher's office. By the time I got there he was gone and nothing is missing or out of place, at that time I don't know what their plan, but now I do" Izuku explain making some students gasp that a villain breach to the teacher's office

"Our schedule..." Aizawa said realizing the villains motive for the break in

"Precisely" Izuku confirm

"I must say, despite Shigaraki the one who did it, that is a good plan" Midoriya claim

"What do you mean, Deku-kun?" Uraraka ask confuse

"Shigaraki disintegrate the gate making the reporters to flock in as a distraction making the staff busy with them, and since the teacher's office is empty Kurogiri is able to sneak in and get our schedule before warp out undetected" Midoriya explain

"That is exactly what happen. They found a loophole in our security and manage to used it to attack you all back them" Midnight said

"But don't worry, students. I have make improvements with our security and making sure something like this won't happen again" Power Loader assure

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