Chapter 10 Part 2 Death Battle

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"Alright folks, we gonna watch Death Battle again but with a twist" L told them

"What twist?" Yaoyorozu ask confuse as others

"We're not gonna watch any of you fighting, but we gonna see some of the fighters from my world fight each others, you know for entertainment purposes" L explain

"Oh so just watching some guys fighting? Sounds fun" Kaminari said excited 

"Yeah, we already see someone who can defeat All Might, maybe there's someone out there even stronger" Sero said with the others agree

"Then let's roll" L snap his finger

Wiz: Tall tales of superhuman feats have existed for as long as man has been telling stories... and today, we pit the greatest of these legends in a clash of East meets West

"Wow, looks like we gonna have some heavy contenders here" Sero said smirking

"Yeah, the greatest legend of west and east? Now that sounds awesome!" Kaminari yell excited

Boomstick: Chuck Norris... no real introduction needed

"You know he's good when you don't need to introduce him" Shoji claim with the audience agree

"Hmm, interesting" All Might said holding his chin

Wiz: And Segata Sanshiro, defender of the Sega Saturn... of all things

"Sega Saturn? What's that? A planet?" Mina ask confuse

"It will be explain later" L assure her

Boomstick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle

Chuck Norris

Boomstick: In ancient China, there was a legend that one day a child would be born from a dragon and vanquish evil from the land

"Let me guess, that must be Chuck Norris, right?" Toru said

"It has to be" Mina reply

Boobstick: That man... is NOT Chuck Norris, because Chuck Norris killed that man!

The audience blink "Wait what?" They said surprise

"... well that was unexpected" Sero said confuse

"That is one way to raise... then drop our expectation" Mirio said chuckling 

"That is so unmanly" Kirishima shake his head

"So... is Chuck Norris the bad guy?" Rin ask worried

"Nope, just follow through" L answer

Wiz: Carlos Ray Norris, yes that's his real name, was born into to a humble Oklahoma family in 1940. A loner, mediocre student and all-around physically-unintimidating pacifist, his childhood was... pitiful

"Well even the strong started weak" Ojiro commented with the pros agree

'Guess he's like me then' Izuku though seeing Chuck weak beginning 

"But his name is Carlos? Why he change to Chuck?" Nejire ask curious

"I guess he wanted to be cool so he change his name to Chuck" Awase theorize

Boomstick: That is, until he answered the call of his country, joined the United States military, and began training in martial arts. From the day he threw his first punch, his life was changed forever

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