Chapter 10 Death Battle

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"Alright folks this is it, the battle to determine who's the strongest or the best fighter in the world or on this case the anime world, The Death Battle!!!!!" L yell exited

"Wait what? The best fighter in the world? That is so awesome!" Kaminari yell exited

"Hell yeah! Who is it? Who will fight for the title of the best?!" Sero yell and ask exited

"So who's the the lucky manly man that will fight?!" kirishima ask exited

"It must be me!" Tetsutetsu yell bumping his chest

"No me!" Awase yell

"I'm pretty sure it's me!" Rin said yell

"Wha...who said it's you guys?" Kaminari ask irritated

"Yeah, it's the manly man that will fight!" Kirishima added

"Shut it extras! I'm the strongest and best!" Bakugou yell in anger

"What are guys talking about? It's obviously the girls" Mina interrupted 

"Right!" The girls agree

"Nope, nope, nope" L said to the students confusing them

"What do you mean "nope" " Iida ask confuse

"The one will fight is not you students but the pro's" L explain and the students heart fell while the pro's rise

"The pro's?" Nezu ask then smirk

"'s gonna be one of us eh?" Present Mic said grinning

"I wonder who?" Midnight said smirking

"Yeah who?" Aizawa said sleepy and a little interested

"Hehehe who?" Grand Torino smirk

"That is interesting" Mandalay said

"Meow" Pixie Bob purr

"So the one will fight is" L said and all the pro's lean closer

"The Symbol of Peace himself All Might!" L yell as spotlight beam at All Might's chair and he buff to muscle form and do a pose

"HAHAHAHA I AM...JOINING THE FIGHT!" All Might exclaim while in the pose and the others cheering him

"Yeah! All Might!" The students yell exited

"So his quirk will be back?" Uraraka ask curious

"Yes, in Death Battle they fight in their prime or most powerful state" L answer her

"But Death Battle? That sound brutal" Mineta said concern

"Yeah, so one of them will die right?" Sato ask concern

"Yep, they're called Death Battle for a reason" L answer him

"Wait! So All Might will die?!" Midoriya yell worried

"If he lose, yeah he is" L answer him

"No..." Midoriya said depressed

"Relax my boy I will be all right!" All Might jokes and the others groan

"Wow a dad jokes, never see that coming" Grand Torino tease

'My God, dad...' Midoriya though embarrassed

"Let's just start shall we?" L said as he play the movie

Boomstick: Let's be real, superheroes with super strength are like rabbits. They're everywhere

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