The dark lord

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It was a week before they were due to return to Hogwarts and everyone who occupied Potter manor was enjoying a lovely feast, courtesy of the amazing Potter house elves. Aunt Minnie and uncle Severus managed to leave Hogwarts for a single night, wanting to spend some time with their odd but equally adored new family. Uncle Lucius and Aunt Cissy had excused themselves earlier that day, wanting to spend some one-on-one time together, much to Draco's disgust and everyone else's amusement.

It was halfway through the dinner that a pained hiss caught their attention, Severus was sitting beside Hadrian, clutching his left arm with his eyes screwed shut.

"I'm being called" He mumbled before swiftly standing from his seat, placing a kiss on the twin's foreheads before leaving with his cloak floating behind him. The adults and children of death eaters shared worried looks whilst the twins and Hermione looked at one another suggestively.

"Is it time?" Hermione asked the twins through their mind link, which they had designed as a way to communicate without anyone else being able to interfere.

"It is" The twins responded in unison. Hermione nodded slightly and used the excuse of being tired to leave the table, she hurried upstairs to change into her dark green cloak which had a large hood that is charmed to hide her face until she alone took it off.

"If you'll excuse us, we have some business to attend to. Feel free to finish off your meals and call Quody to serve dessert when you're ready" Delila said, blowing a kiss to her four lovers and placing a kiss on Tyran and Travis' forehead before leaving the room, Hadrian following close behind after he too placed a kiss on Luna's lips and ruffling his younger siblings hair.

"They are going to cause so much trouble" Adrian groaned, knowing his two siblings enjoyed causing havoc whenever they were alone.

The twins met up with Hermione in the corridor beside their room after they 'accioed' their cloaks. As if it was instinct, Hermione stood between them and took their hands, allowing them to drift away into the shadows. It was then, that they found themselves in a cold and colourless room with a long table, which seated up to at least twenty people. The air was tense and the handsome figure that stood at the head of the table radiated powerful but dangerous dark magic. It was clear to the trio that the man was not happy.

"Any information on the twins, Dolohov?" Tom questioned, his tone icy and cold, sending shivers of fear through his members. A man with shoulder-length midnight-black hair straightened his back as he was addressed by his lord.

"I've heard whispers, my lord. I can't say if they were simply rumours or facts being spread around-"

"And what are these, so-called rumours?" The dark lord's voice was smooth and had a subtle hint of curiosity.

"It is said, my lord, that the Potter twins aren't anything that Dumbledore hoped for. I've heard that they are extremely powerful, cunning and most definitely, dark. Their power rivals their parents tenfold and so does their popularity" Tom hummed and took a seat, his hands interlocked in front of him and his face showed he was in deep thought. In the shadows, the Potter twins were grinning smugly, earning a jab to the ribs by their sister in all but blood, though she also found the meeting so far rather fascinating and amusing.

"Rookwood, I've heard you were successful in your attempt to sneak into the ministry. Please, tell us what you have heard" a man with curly brown hair perked up, an excited smile on his face, which was rather peculiar considering that his fellow death eaters were sitting around the table, stiff in fear.

"My lord, it seems the twins have made quite the impression on the fool they call a minister-" this earned a few quiet snickers from those around the table until they were stopped by the glare they received from their lord, making them tremble slightly in their seats.

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