31. Larger Than Life

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Brianna was never with the "in" crowd. She'd always been big, and everyone else made sure she never forgot it. She was "Miss Fatty-fat-fat" in kindergarten, "Big Butt Bri" in grade school, and "Lady Lard" in middle school. She tried not to let the whispered insults and snide remarks get her down, but years of abuse took their toll.

But then high school rolled around, and Briana met Kevin. He was kind, quick with a joke, and downright adorable when he finally worked up the courage to confess to her. He said she was queen, larger than life, a woman of such magnificence that this tiny world was unable to contain her, and little by little, she began to believe him.

The taunts followed them down the halls and into the classrooms, but the two of them found the strength to endure in each other, spending countless hours on the yearbook committee as graduation, and their future, drew closer.

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