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I was driving through the small town of Hawkins. The very small town of Hawkins. Coming from New York City, this place was quite the culture shock. I wonder if people actually tip cows for fun here. 

As soon as I had turned eighteen my foster parents decided to kick me to the curb immediately. No money, no plan, no help. But honestly they were pricks anyways and I was happy to be out of the system.

My whole life was spent bouncing from foster home to foster home and it definitely took its toll on me, even though I hate to admit it. My story? We'll get there eventually.

When they kicked me out I had couch hopped for a while until I found myself in a pretty rough spot. I started messing around with drugs and... more drugs. I found myself in unsafe situations with sketchy people until I decided it was enough and then I was homeless once again.

I did some research and found out about an aunt I had in Indiana. I made some calls and luckily when I reached out, she had opened her home to me. It was a little awkward since I'd never met her before but I was grateful that she allowed me to come. It's been a week now and our relationship was still very new. It would be interesting to see how things go.

I glance around as I drive down the street. This place is shit. There doesn't seem to be much to do if anything at all. I look to the left and see little stores lined up and down Main Street. I guess it's kind of cute.

I look back in front of me and have to slam on my breaks quickly causing me to fling forwards in the car.

"What the fuck?" I shout. I had almost ran over a guy. He was looking over his shoulder at something, not paying any attention. He rolls over my hood smoothly and stands up. "Jesus H. Christ!" the guy yells.

Oh... he's hot.

My eyes roam his body, taking in his black leather jacket and ripped black jeans. Big rings adorn almost every finger. He's clutching some sort of metal lunchbox close to his chest. His brown curls bounce as he rushes around to my window. I look down the alleyway and see two policemen running our way.


"Need a ride?" I smirk at the guy and he grins devilishly before he climbs in the backseat. I take off down the road quickly. "You can't run forever, Munson!" I hear the cops yell from behind. He leans out the window flipping them the bird.

I take a hard right slinging the guy across the back seat. "Oops, sorry!" I say grinning. He climbs over the console and into the passenger seat. "I'm Eddie, by the way." he says, looking over at me with wild eyes. I give him a small nod.

"Munson, I presume?" I say, repeating the cops. "That's me." he says, taking a cigarette out of his jacket pocket and lighting it up. I reach over and take the pack from him, stealing one for myself.

 I reach over and take the pack from him, stealing one for myself

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He raises an eyebrow at me. "You owe me." I shrug, taking my own lighter and igniting it. "So who is my rescuer?" he questions, his eyes look me up and down lazily, causing a blush to creep across my cheeks. "Veronica... but you can call me Ronnie. And I prefer the term, valiant knight." I joke, giving him a smirk.

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