The Distraction 🌶️

618 44 37

Eddie Munson.

We've been inseparable since that first day. Every spare second I have, has been spent with him.

I can't get enough and the feeling seems to be mutual. I've been trying to keep my feelings out of whatever this is. Trying to keep it casual. Just company and sex.. really good sex.

Eddie took his time exploring every inch of my body like it was all new to him. Every time we hooked up he would push just a little further, trying something new, always making sure it felt good to me.

He was an angel. But the things he did to me were.. Well, not so angelic.

I'm not a 'sex addict'.. though I've heard the bullshit term a thousand times throughout my time in foster care. The stupid counseling we were forced into. Therapist after therapist trying to pry into my mind. Trying to get me to open up. They never succeeded.

Fuck all of them. I don't know them. Why would I tell them the things I'm feeling? The things that go on in my head? So they can send me to the crazy house... no thanks. I've been there a time or two already and it wasn't exactly The Ritz.

But back to sex thing. Just because I enjoy it doesn't mean I'm addicted.. They always try to make it something it isn't. They chalk it up to trauma, to needing someone, craving the love and attention I didn't get as a child.


Or maybe it just fucking feels good.

We were driving around listening to music. Eddie could talk non stop about his favorite bands. Each song seemed to mean something different to him. Every guitar solo excited him in a way that made me feel excited just from seeing his reaction.

We'd been riding around for what felt like hours and now it was starting to get dark out.

"Can we get drunk tonight?" I ask, reaching over and running my hand up his thigh. He grins over at me before his eyes drop down to my hand, watching as I rake my nails up and down his leg.

"Absolutely, but I'll have to make a few runs first, low on cash." he says as he pops a cigarette in his mouth.

"Unless..." he drifts off, the cigarette dangling from his lips.

"Unless what?" I question as I continue tracing my fingers up and down his thigh.

"You can be pretty distracting when you wanna be, you know?" he smiles as he shoots me a wink.

I smirk at him as I unzip my jacket, the top of my boobs peeking out of my thin tank top. "Like this?" I tease, leaning over slightly.

His eyes lock onto my chest and his smile widens. "Mhmm, just like that." he hums deeply.

"Let's go!" I grin, zipping my jacket back up quickly as Eddie speeds towards the gas station. I climb out of the van and enter the store first, hearing the little bell ring as I walk in.

I head to the counter and unzip my jacket once more, pulling my top down just a bit.

There was an older guy behind the counter. "Can I help you with something?" he asks, his eyes immediately roaming over my body.

Gross.. but exactly what we need.

I lean on the counter, making sure my boobs are pushed up nicely.

"Hmm, I'm still thinking." I say sweetly, twirling a piece of hair around my finger.

"Take your time, sweetie." he mumbles, his eyes resting on my chest. He doesn't even try to hide it.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2023 ⏰

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