Picasso 🌶️

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We manage to make it out of the mall without security finding us

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We manage to make it out of the mall without security finding us. I'm addicted to the thrill. And now I think I might be addicted to him.

We head to Eddie's van climbing in the back as he lights up a joint. The smoke fills the van quickly as we pass it back and forth again and again until we both reach a decent high.

"So what's your story? What brought you to Hawkins?" Eddie questions, looking over at me, his eyes slightly glossy from the weed.

"I'd like to skip the poor orphan story and talk about you instead." I reply with a laugh as I reach for his pack of Camels, stealing one for myself before tossing the pack back into his lap.

" I reply with a laugh as I reach for his pack of Camels, stealing one for myself before tossing the pack back into his lap

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"Well, if you don't want a poor orphan story then you might not want to hear mine." he chuckles lightly as he snags a smoke for himself.

I sit up and scoot closer to him, sitting cross legged in front of him. He lives with his Uncle. Duh.

"Where are your parents?" I ask as I search his eyes.

"Where are yours?" he hits back, ignoring the question as he inhales deeply on his cigarette.

I shrug. "No idea. Prison? A crack house? Dead?" I say nonchalantly.

"Hmm.." he sits up straighter and scoots even closer to me. "Seems like our parents would get along." he replies, giving me a half smile.

"Parents of the year, huh?" I giggle and he smirks at me. I know I'm high but I can't stop staring at his lips. They're so fucking pretty.

"They should really get an award." he laughs, his dimples appearing momentarily.

"We could make them t-shirts. Mom of the year."

"I'll get my dad a coffee mug." Eddie grins and I snort, making him laugh again. His laugh is infectious.

"This is some good weed." I sigh happily, reaching over and taking his hand in mine.

"I only sell the best." he winks at me and my heart flutters in my chest. Uh oh.

Looking For Trouble (Eddie Munson)Where stories live. Discover now