Cell Mates 🌶️

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I sit leaning against the hard brick wall of the jail cell

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I sit leaning against the hard brick wall of the jail cell. It's not my first time in jail and I doubt it will be my last. I can't seem to escape the Miller name.

Eddie sits next to me looking completely calm. "Well my Aunt is gonna love this one." I groan as I throw my head back. "It'll be okay. I'll get us out of here." Eddie says as he scoots closer to me. I can feel his thigh against mine and turn to meet his eyes. There's a glint of excitement in them which makes me smile.

I glance forwards and spot something on the wall. The initials 'EM' carved in the cement. I look back at him and scoot even closer. "Come here often?" I laugh and he just grins. His smile is infectious.

"Just... occasionally," he smirks, winking at me. My stomach fills with butterflies from his wink. Eddie digs in his jeans pulling out his pocket knife which he then hands to me.

I stand and walk over to the wall and carve my initials under his, adding a little heart. "Ahh. Now it's complete." I twirl around and give a little bow. "It's a true masterpiece." he jokes as I make my way back to him.

I have this thing. This thing where I'm a bit impulsive. Impatient. When I want something I take it. And right now.. I want him.

"Is it just me or does being here kind of turn you on?" I whisper, placing my hand on his chest. He clears his throat as my fingers trail down his stomach.

"Well.. uh.. normally I'm in here with a bunch of hairy guys. But now.." he looks me up and down and my entire body tingles again. There's just something about him. He leans in and my heart speeds up as his lips meet mine again.

I pull him close, parting my lips, allowing his tongue to slip inside. I kiss him deeply before moving to his neck. I begin to suck and nibble and he groans deeply, exciting me even more.

"Hey! No fornicating in the jail cells!" I hear a cop bark from outside the cell.

"You guys really know how to suck the fun out of everything!" Eddie yells back at the cop.

"Your Uncle is here, Munson." the cop appears, unlocking the door. Eddie stands up and looks down at me. "Hey, just give me a minute. Let me talk to them." he says, kissing my cheek softly. I nod at him and give him a small smile before he disappears.

A cop arrives a few minutes later and unlocks the door once more. "Alright Ms. Miller. You're free to go." he says, swinging the door wide. "Oh.. I.. thanks." I jump up and walk outside of the police station, glancing around.

I spot Eddie and an older man standing by a truck. "Edward.. how many times are we gonna do this?" The older man scolds but there isn't much real anger in his voice.

"Ronnie!" Eddie runs up to me, leaving his Uncle behind staring after him. "How did you get them to let me go?" I ask as he comes to a halt in front of me.

Looking For Trouble (Eddie Munson)Where stories live. Discover now