That's My Line 🌶️

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I wake up and blink a few times, my eyes adjusting to the dim light. I feel an arm slung across my stomach and look over. The hot metalhead from yesterday is snoring lightly.

Fuck, he's cute. I glance over at the clock on his nightstand. Twelve o'clock.

Shit, my Aunt is gonna kill me. I shake Eddie awake softly. He groans and opens his eyes. His brown curls are a mess, sticking up in every direction. His lips curl into a smile once he sees me.

"Hey there," he says, his voice raspy. I smile back at him and lean a little closer. "Hey handsome." I coo, running my finger down his face and along his perfect jaw.

"What time is it?" he mumbles groggily.

"It's noon and I have to go." I say, sitting up quickly.

He groans, pulling me back down. "Do you have to go?" he pouts, his arms wrapping tightly around my waist.

I giggle and lean over to kiss him. I meant for it to be a peck but he holds me close, his lips moving softly against mine. I pull away reluctantly and cup his cheek in my hand. "I have to go check in with my Aunt or I promise I would stay right here all day."

He grins at that and sits up yawning. "Okay, okay. Let me get dressed. Unless you don't want me to..." he raises an eyebrow and I struggle to hold it together. "I'm kidding.. but you don't have to get dressed. That's totally your call." he winks before jumping up.

Eddie drives me to the abandoned parking lot where my car was still parked from yesterday. He hops out, coming around to open my door immediately. Such a gentleman.

I take his hand as he helps me down. "Thank you." I give him a soft smile.

"Can I uh..  see you later, maybe?" he asks as he twirls one of his many rings around his finger.

"I was thinking about checking out the mall here tonight. Wanna meet me there?" I ask him, grabbing a cigarette and putting it between my lips.

"Not exactly my scene but if you're there, I'm there." he says, reaching over and lighting the smoke for me. I inhale deeply and exhale letting the smoke roll out of my lips as I nod.

"5 o'clock work?" I say as I slide into the driver's seat. "I'll see you then, Ronnie." he smiles, turning back towards his van.

I start my car and roll my window down blowing the smoke out. I see Eddie in my mirror. He pauses at his van and turns, running back towards my car.

"By the way, thanks for last night. I had a lot of fun." he says quickly, grabbing my face and giving me a hard kiss before disappearing. I feel the kiss all the way down to my fucking toes and I smile the whole way back to my Aunt's house. Eddie Munson.

I walk into the house and see my Aunt sitting on the couch. "Veronica! Where have you been? I was worried sick." she says standing up and immediately pulling me in for a hug. I stand there uncomfortably as she squeezes me tight.

I'm not used to any physical affection. Especially from any kind of parental figure.

"Um, sorry Sheri. I was just exploring the town and I.. made a friend." I say, patting her awkwardly on the back.

"Oh that's great!" she squeals, squeezing my hands in hers. "And it's Aunt Sheri," she corrects. "Next time, call me please. Just let me know where you are." she says sweetly.

This is weird. "Sure thing, Aunt Sheri." I say, forcing a small smile. "I was gonna go to the mall later, if that's cool." I test.

"Of course! Will you be home for dinner? I was going to make meatloaf." she claps her hands together excitedly.

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