Ch 19

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I walked out of the hospital with Sav's help. My legs still felt weak from the encounter, but were healing. "I'm switching to online collage." I blurted out.

She looked defeated but nodded. "Probably for the best."

I got into the car, nervous to go back to the house. Sav started to lean for a kiss but quickly turned away and shut the door. The drive home was silent.

Sav helped me out of the car and through the door, sitting me down on the couch. I looked at her, and she looked back at me. "I don't know how to fix this."

"You don't" I said. "There's nothing that can be done except wait until someone gets a lead."

She hung her head. "I'm sorry. After you heal you are more than welcome to leave-"

I cut her off. "No. I don't want to do that." I sighed before continuing. "I'm safer with you. At least your house has cameras and security now. I just have to deal with it."

She studied me for a long moment before relenting. "If your sure."

"I am." I paused before adding, "I don't want to be phisically close to anyone right now, but that doesn't mean I don't still care about you. Just for now be careful about touching me."

She nodded. "I understand. You don't know how sorry I am for this, I genuinly thought it would be okay."

I shrugged. I felt for her but at the same time I felt numb. The world swirled by around me as I watched from the outside, just waiting. My entire world had been dumped upside down again, but it didn't hurt like it should have. I wasn't angry, I wasn't resentful. I wasn't even as scared as I should have been. I just sat there, hoping this would all be some kind of fucked up nightmare. You can't wake up from this dream. This is your new real.

I blinked, I must have been staring at the wall for hours now, motionless. Nothing made sense. Nothing added up anymore. I sighed and trudged out of my room and down into the kitchen. My stomach growled with hunger but part of me didn't even want to try to eat. It was all about survival, the joy was gone. I heard a second set of footsteps approch me, my back tensing as they got closer. "Hey love, let me do that for you." Sav said, her voice softer than I had ever heard before.

I nodded and backed up against the counter, watching her. "Thank you. I've just been in such a fog, I feel like I'm just floating through life at this point."

Sav turned to me with a frown. "Don't you go leaving me okay? I know it seems bad right now because it is but that doesn't mean you get to leave me behind."

"Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah, anything."

"If we had the option to move out of here, take our collage life online, and start over somewhere else would you take it?"

Sav stared at me thoughtfully for a moment. "I would need time to prepare for the change, but yes I would."

"Even if that meant leaving everything you've ever known behind?"

"You are all I need. I could have nothing but you and still figire out how to make it work."

My lips turned into a soft smile. "Thank you, that's what I wanted to hear."

Sav stepped closer to me, cautiously. She slowly put her hands in minr, watching my reaction closely. Her touch felt warm, I couldn't help but relax the muscles I had been tensing for awhile now. Her hands slowly left mine and traveled up my arms and to my shoulders, finally draping loosely around my neck. Her hips hung close to mine and I instinctivly put my arms around her waist. I felt tense, but calm. Like I was preparing for something to happen, but also knowing enough to feel good about it. My eyes fluttered and I looked up at her, who was staring back lovingly. I felt my cheeks heat up and the butterflies start in my stomach, twisting me in a knot. She inched her face closer, glancing down at my lips. When we were close enouhg to breathe each other's air, she asked, "Can I kiss you?" I nodded slowly. Her lips connected with mine. They were warm and soft, unlike the cold dead feeling I got from Sylvia. Our lips parted and connected again. A warm, addicting feeling started to consume me as I pulled her body closer to mine. Our lips desperatly held on, clinging to each other. The feeling was gone too soon as she pulled away, a warm and gentle smile on her face. "Thank you, I love you baby."

I nodded slowly again, dazed. "I love you too."

We held each other like that for awhile, a soft smile adoring the both of us. The air turned from cold and tense to loving and warm in an instant. The fog that I had was gone and I felt like I had the drive to figure this out now. My mind was the clearest it had ever been. You know what you need to do. It's time now.

Sav pulled me into a hug. "I am so proud of you." She cooed. A bigger smile formed on my face and I buried my nose in her neck. "We will be okay, I promise you I will make sure she never hurts you again if it's the last thing I do."

"Thank you." I said, not leaving her neck. "I belive you. I trust you."

"Thats a good start, now is time for you to heal. You deserve at least that much."

My eyes watered a bit at her words. "What?" I asked, in shock.

"You deserve to heal from the things she did to you and you deserve to be happy, no matter what that means for anyone."

I nuzzled myself further into Sav and held on to her tighter. Maybe everything will be okay. Maybe my story will have a happy ending

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