[5] [I Don't Want To...]

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Move now.

Time seemed to stop as you ran towards Clotted Cream Cookie. You needed to get between the cloaked figure and him.

Him. The light of your life.


"Well, what do you think?" A young Clotted Cream Cookie asked a young Whipped Cream Cookie as he showed off his new Consul uniform. They were sitting on a bench at their favorite park as the sun set behind them.

"I think it needs something. It looks super boring." Whipped Cream Cookie joked. Clotted Cream Cookie pouted and punched Whipped Cream Cookie in the shoulder.

"Owie! The Consul hurt me! Oooowww!" Whipped Cream Cookie whined and held their shoulder.

"Be serious!" Clotted Cream Cookie scolded.
"I am about to be the Consul! THE CONSUL! Do you know how high of a position that is?"

"Not really. It just sounds super boring." Whipped Cream Cookie yawned. They yelped as Clotted Cream Cookie stomped on their foot.

"Ow!" They shouted.

"Many citizens of the republic people voted for me to be Consul! For ME! I lead them now!" Clotted Cream Cookie said proudly.

"Sure. Get on with it." Whipped Cream Cookie said in a jokingly bored tone of voice.

"ANYWAYS. What do you think my outfit needs? Whenever I walk into a room, I wanna have a big presence." Clotted Cream Cookie spun around to give them a good look.

"Why are you asking me? Cant you just ask your tailors or something?" Whipped Cream Cookie said unconvincingly.

"I know, but I wanna ask you because.." Clotted Cream Cookie trailed off.

"Because?" Whipped Cream Cookie inclined.

"Once I become Consul.. I won't be able to hangout with you as often anymore. The position of Consul is very demanding and complicated, which means.. Well. I just wanted you to choose some part of my Consul uniform to remember you when I'm busy." Clotted Cream Cookie said his words with such confidence, it made Whipped Cream Cookies stomach explode with butterflies.

"Aww you big sap-" Whipped Cream Cookie covered their mouth and pretended to laugh to hide their blush.

"Well, go ahead and pick a piece of clothing I could wear to match my uniform." Clotted Cream Cookie spun around again.

"Maybe a cloak cape thing?" Whipped Cream Cookie suggested. "My professor wears one all the time and it looks ultra cool."

Clotted Cream Cookie stopped pacing to look at them with glitter in his eyes, his tentacles fluttering excitedly behind him.

"If that's what you wish, friend." Clotted Cream Cookie said. Whipped Cream Cookie gently punched his shoulder and giggled.

"Hey Clott- future Consul guy, I just had an idea!" Whipped Cream Cookie said. Clotted Cream Cookie perked up and looked at Whipped Cream Cookie with his full attention despite him wanting to scold them again.

"I'll become the best Paladin the republic has ever seen, so I can become your personal bodyguard!" Clotted Cream Cookies face contorted in concern and worry. Whipped Cream Cookie looked at him sheepishly.

"But- you-" Clotted Cream Cookie said disbelievingly.

"Don't worry!" Whipped Cream Cookie said quickly. "I'll train super super hard! I know I'm weak right now, but one day I'll be so strong, I'll be your very personal and best bodyguard so we won't ever be separated!"

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