[8] [Clotted Cream Cookie]

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You woke up with a start, clawing your way out of a nightmare you've been in before. You took a few deep breaths to calm your heart, but you discovered a mysterious weight on your chest as you did.

You slowly angled your head down to be met with fluffy hair. A familiar head of hair. He smelled of the bakery's and cafes we had visited throughout our adventures.

It was Clotted Cream Cookie.

Your hands were wrapped around his body, and he had his hands wrapped around your body with your legs tangled in one another's.

Your heart rate immediately spiked up again. He was nestling his head under your chin and you could feel his breathing tickling your neck. You nestled your head into his hair, which smelled amazingly like Custard.

If his father found out about this, I might just be executed.


He isn't here right now, is he?

Your head was in turmoil. You wanted to gently untangle him from yourself and go back to your couch. You forced your head out of his hair.

But you also wanted to hold on for dear life and cherish this moment for as long as you possibly could. You have never gotten this close to him ever before.

Would Financier Cookie do such a thing?

You shut your eyelids and forced that thought away. This wasn't about her at the moment, it was about you and your Consul. You looked down at Clotted Cream Cookie and reburied your head into his hair.

You took a deep breath and let the moment linger. The brightness coming from outside of the window made you guess that it would be around early-morning.

Nobody will know. It won't matter if nobody finds out.

A little bit later, you heard him make a sleepy noise that made you freeze. He snuggled his head deeper into your neck and held you tighter, making you blush and making your heart beat quicker.

He seemed to fall asleep again quickly. The relief made you relax shut your eyes for a moment. You didn't open then again, as darkness had pulled you into their grasp and you fell asleep.


You opened your eyes yet again to see that Clotted Cream Cookie was not by your side. With a disappointed frown, you sat up and rubbed the sleep away from your eyes. Your heart froze when you looked on the pillow to see a letter.

Dear Whipped Cream Cookie,

Do not panic, I am not far from you. I have gone back to the airship with both of our things and will await your arrival. I have had some business to attend to, so I apologize for disappearing so suddenly. Your uniform is waiting you in the bathroom, and your backpack is resting on the kitchen island. Please make for a hasty arrival, as we have a few things to attend to within The Republic.

-  Clotted Cream Cookie

You smiled and held the letter closer. It was his own handwriting, which means he took his very limited time out of his day to write this letter to you.

Your eyes widened as reality set in, and you remembered that you were his bodyguard, not a friend or significant other.

You leaped off of the bed instantly, running to the bathroom to hurriedly put on your uniform. You were straightening your outfit as you went into the kitchen to grab your backpack, slinging it around your shoulders on your way out of the door. You hastily said goodbye to the hotel staff and crashed your way out of the front doors.

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