[6] [Our Little Moments]

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You woke up on a bench in the park. The sun was setting to your left, and you groggily got up to stare at the beautiful sky. You were sitting on a bench, somewhere familiar. You couldn't pinpoint the exact location, though. The breeze felt refreshing as you felt an unfamiliar feeling of peace and tranquility.

You looked to your side and felt butterflies in your stomach as a familiar silhouette descended towards you. You stood up quickly and opened your mouth to yell for him. To yell for him to sit down, to enjoy the sunset, but you felt a jerking motion below you.

You looked down with confusion before your face contorted into horror.

He was there again.

The cloaked white figure.

He was there, plunging the knife into your stomach. Over, and over again. The feeling of pain and panic whiplashing into your veins.


And again.

You turned your head to see Clotted Cream Cookie and felt hope blossoming in your heart.

You wanted to shout for his help, wanted to reach out to him. You wanted to do ANYTHING that was useful.

But when you turned to him, your veins turned to ice.

He stood there, as the knife was plunging into your stomach. His face was contorted into disappointment and fury.

"Your a disappointment." He spat. Your limbs went numb, your legs threatening to collapse beneath you.

"B-but he- he came out of nowhere and-!" You gasped as he stepped forward and backhanded you across the face. The beautiful park disappeared and you were standing face to face with him. the white figure and the plunging knife were gone now. The pain of the wound was nothing now, as something else inside of you far surpassed that pain.

"You failed to protect even yourself. How could I trust somebody like  you to protect  me?" He said, his furious face sending shivers down your spine. You stumbled back, falling onto your bottom as you choked back tears.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I swear ill do better Consul, I'm sorry!"  You begged. You were on your knees now, begging for mercy. Terror and desperation built up on the inside, teetering on the edge of uncontrollable sobs.

But the only thing that came out were small streams of salty tears.

"Not only that, but you delayed an important meeting. You bring shame upon all of the Paladins in your Academy." All of the Paladins you knew appeared behind him, glaring at you with disgust and distain. You gasped and crawled backward. Your tears came in full bouts now, causing you to hiccup as you failed to suppress chest-breaking sobs.

"You are a disappointment. A disgrace to us all." They all said in unison. You looked up at Clotted Cream Cookie, who turned around and looked at Financier Cookie. The Cookie who you had worked so hard to surpass in the Paladin Academy.

"Banish them,take hem away, ensure that they will never return to The Republic. You are now my new bodyguard, as they have casted shame and embarrassment upon you, me, and The Republic." He said to Financier Cookie. She nodded obediently and started walking towards you with an arm outstretched, the other holding her sword sheath.

"No!" You screamed and scrambled back on all fours. "No! Please! Just give me one more chance!" You begged and pleaded. You let out a blood-curdling scream as her hand encased your face, sending you into a void of darkness.

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