Chapter 6 - Blackout

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Shift watched Athira vanish through the roof of the training room, wondering for the second time in as many days how everything had gone this wrong.

It was hard to focus. He'd shifted Athira's Colour when he'd pinned her, completely by accident. Half a second of skin contact was all it'd taken, and even now, the copied Colour rampaged through his body, knocking the breath out of him.

"Thira!" Zoe called again, like somehow, Athira would hear her through the walls. "Thira, come back!"

"Zo, she's gone," said Shift, pushing himself onto his feet with a grunt of effort.

Zoe tore her eyes off the ceiling. Her glow was fading, but hope made it linger as she turned and bolted for the door.


Shift turned his head, finding Raph looking at him. He had Talia on her feet, her arm slung over his shoulder. Talia was conscious, and aside from several small grazes across her face and her injured pride, she was relatively unharmed. She'd need a new Keeper suit, but it'd done its job.

Raph pointed at the door after Zoe. "Stay with her!"

Shift swore and sucked in a breath, forcing himself to lock down the shifted Colour and run after Zoe.

He'd shifted hundreds of Colours over the years. Stronger Colours could influence his mood while shifted, but nothing came close to Athira's. It was a wild, unrestrained force that could easily erase everything he was. It simmered uncomfortably hot beneath his skin, and whatever Talia wanted to argue, it wasn't Purple.

He didn't know what it was.

Shift chased the sound of footsteps down the stairwell to the ground floor, and following the open doors, ended up out front of the base.

He found Zoe in the middle of the sidewalk outside the base, her eyes on the skies, hands cupped to her mouth as she yelled Athira's name, over and over and over.


Shift reached her, putting a gentle but firm hand on her shoulder. "Zo!"

Zoe gave him half a glance before her attention was back in the air, desperately searching for the figure Shift suspected was long gone. "She was here, Shift! She was here, and she just —"

"She panicked," said Shift. "Maybe once she calms down, she'll come back, but right now, she's gone."

Zoe stumbled a step back, clutching the sides of her head. "It's happening all over again." Her glow was gone, her green eyes shining with tears, still pinned to the skyline. "Why didn't any of you tell me she was here? I would have literally run home from Elite HQ if I had to. I would have done anything to make sure I got here before she left."

Shift gave her a small smile. "We know, Zo. But it wasn't that simple."

Zoe's hands slid down and pressed against her eyes. Her voice was quiet as she said, "She's my sister, Shift. It is that simple."

Across the street, their presence had drawn attention. Shift was becoming increasingly aware of the number of bystanders that were doing the thing where they shuffled closer, one step at a time, their phones clutched tight to their chests until they built up the courage to approach and ask for a picture.

Shift gave the closest group a small wave. As they erupted into excited squeals, he held out his palm towards them, hoping that they'd respect his request for space. By some small miracle, they kept their distance, but he knew it wouldn't be long before someone else moved in.

He turned his attention back to Zoe, placing his hands on her arms and gently pulling her in for a hug.

"I know, Zo." Shift rested his chin on the top of her head. "I promise, as soon as we're inside, I'll explain. And later, if you want to try looking for her, I'll come with you. Okay?"

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