Chapter 44 - A Tentative Truce

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Indigo followed Red down a series of corridors, up an elevator, and through one of the many passages concealed within the walls of Elite HQ where they reached a small, neat room that lacked any remarkable features, including windows. 

Athira wasn't the only one on edge as the door sealed shut behind them. Kione's gaze flicked about the room. Shift and Talia had silently turned back to back to cover each other, and Zoe remained standing uncomfortably close to Red, her eyes pinned to his head. 

Raph was the exception. He strolled over to the counter along the wall and began inspecting the cupboards like he was hoping to find a coffee mug to match the empty pot on the bench.

"They have five minutes to get here before I have my team start searching the building for them," said Raph casually. He glanced back at the rest of Indigo. "Starting with the bottom floor — and who knows how many civilians with cameras will be down there?"

Alarm flashed across Red's face as he followed Raph's gaze and realised exactly what Indigo looked like. "They'll be here, but it might take—"

"Five minutes," said Raph again, giving up his quest for coffee to slowly pace the perimetre of the room. "Kione, make sure you're timing it."

Four and a half minutes later, the door opened.

The two Wardens who entered looked flustered, but fresh enough that Athira figured they'd escaped direct involvement with the chaos of the last few hours. The wary looks they directed towards Athira were enough to tell her they knew what had happened, though they didn't seem inclined to broach the matter. 

In the end, it was Raph who broke the silence. "Wardens. Thank you for meeting with us. My team and I have several pressing issues we wish to discuss with you in a civil matter. We have no intentions of further violence unless we are forced to defend ourselves or others."

The Green Warden cleared his throat. "Normally, there would be protocols to follow, but given the circumstances, I suspect this isn't the time to stand on formalities." His gaze landed on Red. "Explain."

Red stepped forward, hands behind his back, and opened his mouth to speak when Zoe beat him to it.

"We've all been through a lot today, so let's not waste time pretending Red knows anything you lot don't already," said Zoe, patting Red on the shoulder as she took over. She stuck her hand out towards the Wardens. "Let me introduce myself. I'm Zoe, the Yellow Spectrum you creeps kidnapped and attempted to tattoo into submission. If you ever try that again with either me or anyone else, I will hit my breaking point and annihilate every last one of you. Are we understood?"

The Green Warden didn't seem to know what to do with that. He stood there blinking until the Orange Warden broke into a bewildered expression and chuckled. 

"Yes," said the Orange Warden, shaking Zoe's hand. "We are understood, Zoe."

"Perfect," said Zoe, pulling the Warden with her towards the centre of the room where Raph stood. "Now, as my team leader said, we have certain issues that we would very much appreciate you listening to, including but not limited to how stupid your Sloth experiments in the past several months have been. I suggest paying attention to what Raph has to say, otherwise you'll be hearing what I have to say, and in my current mood, you do not want that. Okay?"

Raph held his hand out at hip height, flat palm pointed at the floor. Red spread from his fingers, shaping a circular table and chair set connected at the base.

"Given that this may take a while, I'm sure we'd all appreciate the seat," said Raph, taking his seat. "There's a space for everyone, if they wish to join us at the table."

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