Chapter 21 - Sleeper

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Three days later, Indigo received a full-team alert that interrupted Athira's morning training session with Raph and Shift.

Within two minutes, Athira and the rest of the team — excluding Talia, who wasn't at base — were geared up, and a minute after that, they were strapped into Indigo's ground rover — lovingly nicknamed 'the rainbow' by Zoe — and on the way to the scene.

"Talia?" said Raph, glancing at her empty seat in the rover. "You on comms?"

"I'm listening." Talia's voice came through Athira's headset. "I got the location. I'll meet you there."

Raph nodded and began the brief as Kione drove.

"Location is a subway station linked to an underground shopping mall," said Raph, sending the information to each of their wristlets. "Reports of several casualties, caused by a 'slime monster' that's been sighted on multiple occasions in the past two months. Elites are calling them 'Sleepers', given that contact with one will cause a near immediate unconscious state. They're highly resistant to Colour, so be ready for that."

Athira flicked through the images on her wristlet's screen, scowling through her headache from lack of sleep. Floor plans and images of the station and the connected mall, followed by several images of the Sleeper in other locations.

"This station's in Amber's district, isn't it?" asked Zoe. "Why did we get the call?"

"Amber encountered a Sleeper a week ago," said Raph. "It put Will — their Red Keeper — in hospital, where he still hasn't woken from his coma. Aside from the twins, their Colours had little effect on the Sleeper. Elites are hoping ours might have more luck, especially with Talia's ground elemental abilities, but if not, we need to keep it distracted until the specialised Elite squad arrives."

"So aside from 'don't let the Sleeper touch you'," said Shift. "What's the plan?"

"Containing this thing and evacuating any civilians on scene is the priority," said Raph. "We've got intel that the individuals responsible for the Sleeper might still be on scene. If that's the case, Athira, I want you to get behind them and ensure they don't escape while we handle the Sleeper."

Kione brought the rover to a stop a few metres from the subway's entrance tunnel. Indigo filed out, with Shift and Zoe each taking a side, urging the crowd to evacuate as Raph headed for Talia's golden-blonde head peeking over the panicked crowd.

"Any new info?" asked Raph, adjusting his wristlet.

"Sleeper's still down there," said Talia, gripping her board from the ground to her hand. "Last seen on the platforms. Multiple civilians still missing. Sighting of three suspects — a Red, a Blue, and a potential Purple."

"Noted," said Raph. He shaped a Red shield to his arm and called back over his shoulder. "Indigo, let's go! Athira and I take point with shields up. Talia, if you sense anything, call it out. Keep comms open at all times and remember — do not let this thing touch you!"

The six of them headed down the stairs.

The narrow entrance tunnel soon flattened out, taking a sharp right turn that led to the main floor of the station. There was no screaming. No panicked shouts, no flashes of Colour. It was as eerily quiet as it was dim, the lights flickering like they weren't receiving enough energy from the Colourformer system to keep them stable — something that only happened when there was an unexpected drain on the system nearby.

Raph raised a hand just short of the ticket gates, his eyes on the faint, violet flecks scattered motionlessly beyond. "Zo, give us some light."

Zoe lifted a glowing hand, and with the shadows pushed back, the true extent of the scene was revealed.

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