Chapter 30 - Trails

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Athira spent the next twenty-three minutes loitering in the hallway of the eastern entrance, waiting for Tracker to arrive — a fact that she knew because she spent the entire time staring at the clock on the wall, only taking her eyes off it to inspect anyone who approached.

The eastern wing wasn't as fancy as the main entrance to the Underground, but at least it was quieter. Aside from the pair of guards eyeing her warily, there weren't many people that passed through the narrow hallway. Most saw her and scurried away as quickly as they could.

When a woman with a kid — a girl maybe ten or eleven years old — approached, both wearing backpacks, Athira didn't expect anything different. She went back to looking at the clock with a scowl, wondering if she'd have to make good on her promise to Chief.

The woman stopped in front of her. "Greetings, Owl."

Athira glanced at her, taking a longer look. The woman's chestnut hair was loose over her pale yellow jacket, and she wore what Athira could only describe as some kind of armour on her chest, forearms, and shins.

"You're Tracker?" asked Athira.

"You can call me Nobody," said the woman, a shrewd glimmer in her narrow, hazel eyes. She gestured towards the kid. "This is Tracker."

The girl had bright red hair bound into twin braids and was currently interested in kicking her pink gumboots through a small puddle of water that'd gathered on the floor, paying zero attention to either Nobody or Athira.

"Tracker, say hello," said Nobody.

Tracker glanced up, her wide, green eyes squinting at Athira as she tried to peer through the Black mask. "Why are you—" Nobody rapped her on the shoulder with the back of her hand, and Tracker huffed. "Helloooo, Owl. I'm soooo happy to help you."

A kid? said Talon, echoing Athira's concerns as Tracker went back to the puddle. Thira, this could be dangerous. Maybe we should go back to base and get Shift to—

Athira's stomach clenched. You think he'd agree, knowing we did Chief's favour to find her?

"She's young," said Nobody, seeing Athira's hesitation. "But I assure you, her Colour has matured enough for what you need. However, as her guardian, I'll be coming with you to ensure her safety. I'm no burden in a fight, and I can keep my mouth shut about anything I see."

This still doesn't feel right, muttered Talon.

We won't stop Rathe from the moral high ground, Tal, replied Athira, turning to head down the tunnel. "Fine with me. Let's go."

"We need to go topside," said Nobody, stopping her. "Chief sealed the exit down here, and if you use your Black on Tracker it'll drown out her Purple."

Athira glanced back at Nobody, ushering Tracker into the elevator.

It was a rare moment when someone described her Colour as Black. Most assumed it was a particularly dark shade of Purple — something she rarely bothered to correct.

Athira joined them, waiting until the doors had closed to speak. "You seem to know a lot about me."

"I've been well informed," said Nobody. "It's nice to finally meet you as your true self."

"'True self'?"

Nobody inclined her head as the elevator doors opened. The air around them became strangely distorted, like Athira was viewing the outside world through a layer of water.

"I work for Reader," said Nobody as they continued down the short corridor and stepped out onto the cool, night air of the street. "As per his requests, I've left your other self a note or two over the past few weeks."

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