Chapter 18 - Newbie

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Athira lost track of exactly how much time she spent attempting to help Shift learn how to use the Black on top of the skyscraper.

They used the snack bars he'd packed to practice, and it wasn't long before he could reliably — if reliably slowly — make torso-sized shields to block any projectile snack bars she threw at him, lift said snack bar from the ground and into his hand, and then phase himself through it.

But as quickly as he picked it up, he also found his limits. His shields cracked. If he ran out of Black midway through phasing, he got stuck. If the tendrils became longer than his forearm, he struggled to control them, and no matter what he tried, he couldn't maintain the same steady, extended flight that she could.

They put it down to the difference in how much Black they had access to.

"Need more yet?" asked Athira.

He only ever shifted a little Black at a time, citing something to do with 'safety' in case of a Surge or some other emergency, which meant it didn't take him long to require more. Interestingly enough, Shift's Black didn't seem to crystallise when it ran out, instead vanishing into the air without a trace.

"Please," said Shift, jogging the few steps towards her. He took her offered hand, which Athira didn't entirely hate, and flashed her a smile some three seconds later. "Thank you!"

Athira once more folded her arms and watched as Shift engulfed the forearm guard of his suit in Black and used it to lift himself off the ground. Amusement tweaked the corner of her mouth as he hung awkwardly beneath it — a problem he solved by also engulfing his boot in Black and using that to steady himself.

If nothing else, she had to admit that he was creative with the little he had figured out.

"Shift? Athira? Can you both hear me, or has Athira fried hers already?"

Athira blinked at the sound of Kione's voice, clearer than if he'd been standing beside her. It took her a second to remember the headset — the small, semi-circular band with a strangely shaped piece at either end that hugged the back of her head beneath the hairline before sweeping up to fit her ears and the side of her jaw.

Shift tapped the side of his own headset. "From the startled look on her face, I'd say she can hear you. What's up? Did we find something at the Surge site?"

"No," said Kione. "We've got an alert two blocks from where you are. Robbery with hostages in progress. A witness disguised themselves as a chair and hid to call it in."

Shift's expression grew concerned. "What's the plan?"

"You and Athira will respond," said Raph over comms. "By sending Athira on the fake alert today, I've deemed her ready in Discord's eyes. If I don't send her in on an active alert she's right on top of, it'll be difficult to explain."

"Oh, like hues I'm leaving Shift to handle this alone with her around," said Talia. Something metallic rang out in the background. "I'm heading over."

"What about the Surge?" asked Athira, pressing a fingertip against the outline of Talon's amulet, concealed beneath her suit.

"If you start feeling it while you're fighting, use the code and we'll adapt as necessary," said Raph. "For now, get moving. Kione, you run the mission."

"Can do," said Kione. "Remember, comms are recorded during an active alert. Don't say anything you wouldn't want Discord to hear. I'll be in your ear the whole time helping you out, so any questions, just ask." There was a short 'ba-dum!' in her ear. "Recording now. Head south. You're looking for the indoor ice rink."

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