Guess who's back

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It took some time but Batman finally let me go on another mission. Black Manta was attacking Atlantis and they needed all hands on deck. Equipped with water proof suits and rebreathers we made our way down to the city under the sea. It was bad, Black Matnta's soldiers were everywhere, they were on the verge of overpowering the Atlantian army. We dove right in, (no pun intended ). Artemis was having a hard time shooting arrows underwater so instead she had to resort to hand to hand combat. KF was making a bunch of whirlpools, beast boy had transformed into a shark, Wonder Girl and Superboy were swimming around punching people in the face, miss M was rocking a fish tail, Aqulad and Aquagirl were in their element, plowing through Manta's men, and I was using the water to conduct the electricity from my ekershima sticks. It was all going well until Aquagirl let her guard down. Out of no where she was stabbed through the stomach with someone's spear. Aqualad saw this and let out a scream filled with such pain that everything around us stopped.
He held her in his arms as she bled out. It was over quickly, you could see the moment she left us, Tula was gone.
He roared in agony. He handed Tula's body to miss M and went on a rampage. He didn't kill anyone, but the guys he took down wouldn't be getting up anytime soon. We all watched as he ripped his way through the army until he reached Black Manta himself.
"You did this!" He yelled, "this is your fault."
"No Kaldhur Ram, this was not my fault, the blame lies with Atlantis, with Aquaman himself. I am not to blame here."
"Why would I believe you?"
"Because I am your father."
What a great first mission back.

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