Dale Farmer

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It's been a week since I've seen him. Every single day I haven't been able to stop thinking about him. Gosh, Why can't I stop thinking about him?!?

"No, James No! You're not gay!!! This isn't possible. YOU ARE NOT GAY! You can't like boys. It's not natural. God hates people like you!" I yelled at myself.

"I don't want to be this way! It can't be true."

I continued to yell at myself until I was interupted by a knock at my door.

"Sweetie?" my mom said as she enters my room.


"Someone is here to see you!"

I jump up from my bed.


I see a familiar face make its way into my door way.

"Dale!" I say without being to awkward.

"Hey." he says to me.

"I'm gonna go fix up some you guys some lunch. What would you like Dale?" she asks Dale.

"Surprise me." he replies.

"What about you honey?" she asks me.

"Soup and a sandwich sounds good!"

"Alright, I'll call you guys down when it's done."

She makes her way to my doorway and shuts it on her way out.

"So how've you been?" Dale asks me.

"Eh, pretty good. How about you?"

"Not to bad." he says.

"So... What you wanna do?

"I have NO idea" he replies.

We sat in silence for a little.



"This is awkward."

He chuckled, " yeah."

"Wanna play 20 questions?" he asks me.

"Sure, why not?"

"Wanna go first?"

"Eh, you can go first." I reply.

"Alright, wants for favorite color?"

"Wow, very subtle." I laughed. "Blue." I answered. "Favorite food?"

"Hm... probably, Chinese." 

"Dude! I love Chinese food too!" I said with full excitement. 

"Sweet!" he said in reply. "Maybe I could take you out sometime." 

Trying not to, I blushed. I didn't know what to say. I panicked! 

"Bro, I ain't gay!" 

What the Hell did I just say?!?! Oh no... he's going to hate me now! 

"No dude, I didn't mean it like that." he said with the sound of disappointment in his voice. 

How do I respond? Do I apologies? Do I act like a dick and move on? What do I do? What do I do? I panicked again. 

"Good, I ain't into that faggetty crap." 


It got silent in the room. Dead silent. We didn't know what to say. It got really awkward really quick. I felt so bad for what I said. 

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