I need to tell you something...

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" I need to tell you something." 


We stand there, in the middle of the road, just looking into each others eyes. 

"What is it?" I ask with anxiousness. 

We loose eye contact. 

"Dale, what do you need to tell me?" 

"It's nothing." he replies and continues  to walk. 

"Dale..." in the midst of my sentence he turns arounds and kisses me. This was my first kiss. Dale Farmer, the boy I had a crush on ever since he moved in next door, just kissed me. 

I was in heaven! But our kiss was interrupted by a stranger. She started yelling,

"Faggots! You are going to burn in hell!!!" 

I immediately starts running. Dale starts shortly after me.  With ever step the screams of the lady begin to fade. 

"James wait!" he screams. 

I slow my running, only stopping for a second to catch my breath. Shorty after I stops it starts to rain. Dale continues running. He can barely see me from how hard its raining but as he approaches me I  become clearer and clearer. 

When he finally reaches me, he can hear me crying. How embarrassing is it to have the boy you've had a crush on for so long hears you cry. 

"James, are... are you crying?" he asks polity 

"No... just go away. Ok. I don't every want to see you again!" I  yell at him. 

My heart shatters into a million pieces. Did I really just say that? 

"Was it cause of the kiss?" 

"Just go away!" I scream at him again. 

"No! I'm not gonna leave you here!" he screams at me 

"Why? Just let me get hit by a car. What's the point of living if I'm going to end up in hell anyway?" I say,  continuing to cry. 

"Why would you believe that? God loves you just the way he made you!" he says. 

"But I don't want to be this way!" 

I can't stop crying. I just want to die. 

We both become silent. All you can hear is the sound of the rain. Dale puts his finger under my chin and raises it. Our eyes slowly meet.  

"It's ok James." he says with the sweetest tone in his voice. 

"I don't want to either but God gives his toughest battles to his toughest soldiers." 

Wiping the rain and tears from my eyes he continues, "I really like you... That's what I was gonna tell you earlier but I was just to chicken to say it." 

I get a really puzzled look on my face, and with my smart mouth I ask, 

"But you weren't to chicken to kiss me?"

We both stand there and laughed at the fact he kissed me instead of saying that he liked me. 

"Yeah I guess so." he replies. 

"Come on lets head home before we catch a cold." he continues. 

We begin our journey back home. Shortly after we start walking our hand begin to find each other until they finally lock. I never want to let go. I feel so safe and loves being with him. 


10 minutes into our journey back home we see headlights in front of us. The car seemed far enough ahead we knew we had enough time to get over to the side of the road. But with a blink of an eye the car was 10 feet in front of us. The car was probably going about 60 mph. I try to grab Dale to get him out of the way, but it was to late. He had pushed me out of the way. As I fall to the ground I scream, 


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