discussion with UA

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When the group arrived at UA Chuuya was sleeping on Dazai's back and they were greeted by Nezu and he looked at Dazai and said "if you knew where Arahabaki was why didn't you tell us?" 

"It's funnier seeing you struggle to find him." He answered putting Chuuya on the couch and Kunikida told the principal "what he means is that he knew that Chuuya-san would come help during the fight so he kept it secret." Dazai rolled his eyes 

 "No Kunikida, that's not what I meant, I meant that..." He was interrupted by a phone ringing, it was Chuuya's apparently, Aizawa grabbed the phone and answered the phone putting it on speaker "who is it?" He asked and they suddenly heard a woman talking

 "Chuuya, are you alright? Why did you use corruption? You know it's dangerous, we're heading there right now, where are you?" She said in a panicked tone 

 "Excuse me mam, who are you?" Aizawa asked but what he got in return was a boy threatening him "no,who are you and what did you do to Chuuya." Atsushi recognised that voice, it was Akutagawa but he stayed silent because he was actually curious to see how the heroes would handle it.

 "Kid, we're sorry but we can't give out that information" Endeavour said and that just made the two angrier "listen, you will tell us where Chuuya is if you still want to live." The woman said sending chills down everyone's spine.

 "Now, now Kouyou-san there's no need to threaten everyone like that, don't worry Chuuya is completely fine, he's just sleeping, we're currently at UA high school in case you two would like to join us." Dazai said and you could in the background of the phone you could hear someone say "I'll put the directions on" 

 "Thanks for your cooperation Dazai we'll be there in 15 minutes" she said as she hung up the phone "we should get ready to fight." Kunikida said "that's not very wise of you Kunikida, I'm sure that they could easily kill every hero in this room, plus if we don't do anything to Chuuya they won't attack" Dazai answered

 "You just informed two of the port mafia members about the position of one of their former executives, it's obvious their gonna try to kill him Dazai!" Kunikida said and Dazai shook his head "no, Kouyou is like a mother to Chuuya and Akutagawa is like a little brother, they care for each other too much."

 Some were still hesitant but decided to trust Dazai's judgement, while others completely disagreed and still prepared themselves to fight in case it was needed, after all they were villains, they could just be faking.

 "Could I ask you something?" Deku said and the agency members turned to look at him "why did Nakahara leave the port mafia?" Honestly all of them where curious but couldn't master the courage to say it.

Atsushi and Kunikida shrugged and Dazai started explaining "Chuuya has always been a loyal and caring person, while Mori-san was still the mafia boss Yokohama was under the mafia's protection but after he died and was replaced Yokohama wasn't under it's protection so Chuuya left the mafia." 

 All the hero students were shocked by this reveal, they always thought that the organisations were evil and wanted to hurt everyone that opposed them.

Suddenly an alarm was heard signalling that someone entered UA and Dazai sighed "took them long enough." In a matter of seconds the door swung open and Kouyou immediately ran to Chuuya and Akutagawa went after het glaring at all the heroes in the room.

 Kouyou started checking him for injuries and sighed in relief when she saw that she was fine then she turned to the heroes "hello, sorry for not introducing myself, I am Kouyou Ozaki and this is Ryūnosuke Akutagawa." She said and the heroes nodded.

Akutagawa was still glaring at everyone in the room, scaring the heroes while the agency members were unaffected, used to it already Nezu wad the first of the heroes to have the courage to speak

"I hope you don't mind me asking but what are you doing here?" " We're here to make sure Chuuya hadn't gotten hurt, you see when Chuuya lets Arahabaki take over he has no control over his actions and isn't able to come back so it eventually would end up with him dying because of it." The heroes were shocked by that all of them had the same question in mind and Todoroki voiced it for them 

 "Then why did he do it?" Kouyou smiled at them "there are two reasons he probably did it, the first one was because he loves this city and would do anything to protect it and the people living here and because he knew Dazai was there, he trusts him with his life." As she said all that Akutagawa was standing next to him like if he was her bodyguard.

 "Kouyou-san, don't you think your giving them too much information?" He finally said something "don't worry, they're not stupid enough to pick a fight with him." She said and she only then noticed Dazai's fake crying.

 "Everything okay Dazai?" She asked knowing he was faking but curious "I didn't expect Chuuya to trust me that much!" Kouyou and Akutagawa looked at him their eyes saying 'are you stupid or something' and as Dazai was continuing his crying Chuuya got up from the couch.

As he saw the two there he immediately asked "ane-san, Ryu, what are you doing here?" As soon as Kouyou heard him she ignored the question and immediately scolded him.

"Nakahara Chuuya you are in big trouble, you made us worry and now the port Mafia knows your current location, what do you have to say for yourself?" Chuuya's mind was racing not knowing what to say decided on the only logical solution.

"It was his idea!" He said pointing at Dazai, blame everything on Dazai, that was the plan and it worked because he was now looking as Kouyou yelled at Dazai to never put Chuuya in danger like that again.

"I'm glad you're fine." Akutagawa said sitting next to him, Chuuya smiled at him "it's good to see you too." Chuuya said and everyone that was talking was interrupted by Nezu who coughed "I'm very sorry to interrupt your reunion but we still have to say something to the community and I don't think they'll appreciate it if we say that a port mafia member saved them."

The heroes were immediately agreeing "I don't see any problem there" Akutagawa said while Chuuya rolled his eyes at the heroes "I think it's because here they think that a 'villain' isn't able to save the city and only wants it's destruction." Atsushi explained and Akutagawa nodded saying "how stupid." 

 "Well I would have and idea if any of you don't have any" Nezu said and everyone turned to him, he explained his idea and Chuuya immediately refused but after some persuading from Kouyou and Akutagawa he excepted it

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