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Before Dazai could answer a scream was heard, the heroes all rushed outside t see people holding guns pointing them to Chuuya and some of the other costumers but mostly Chuuya, Chuuya looked at the people in front of him and asked "how may I help you?" And the heroes would have face palmed if there weren't guns pointed at them now "move and we'll kill everyone here." said one of the guys to them and then they heard another voice say.

"Well, you would do us a favor if you let yourself get shot and die" Chuuya just turned around putting the cup he was holding away "sorry but that won't happen."Chuuya said and the heroes were shocked no one has ever been so calm when about 10 guns were pointed at them, not even they would have been this calm, suddenly Dazai came out of the room clapping slowly.

"wow what a great show you put up, mind if I join?" he asked and everyone noticed the very evident fear in their eyes as one of them whispered at the one next to him "we're retreating, we can't possibly take on the double back together." and the other nodded and in three seconds they all disappeared.

The people there immediately rushed to the heroes thanking them for helping them, on the other side Chuuya stayed where he was knowing the real reason to why they ran away, he sighed thinking about how they could have found him after five months of a peaceful.

Dazai came over to him "hey Chuuya, how's life going now that you're out of the mafia?" Chuuya looked at him "if I knew I'd have to meet you again I would have stayed in the mafia." Chuuya said which Dazai's brain translated to 'it was awesome' so he answered with "I'm happy to see that you're having fun."

"by the way, don't worry about the mafia, now that they know we're together they won't come after you, after all no one can take on the double black together and live to tell the tale." Dazai said knowing how annoying they were "thank you." Chuuya said very quietly "what did you say?" Dazai asked and Chuuya looked away "thank you for coming in so that I didn't have to expose my ability to the heroes." he said just as quietly as before hoping nobody else heard, Dazai smiled and said "don't worry about it" he then extended his hand to ruffle his hair but Chuuya smacked it away going back to work.

Atsushi and Kunikida had now remembered who he was and saw that he actually left the mafia, since a lot of people thought they were just rumors for a mission or something like that, they smiled seeing Dazai and Chuuya argue with Dazai.

Afterwards the heroes went out and looked at each other "don't forget tomorrow's the attack." Nezu said and then turned to the three detectives "you three come too, I have a feeling we're gonna need your help." Nezu said and the three nodded.

Dazai smiled at him "I have a feeling you'll need much more than just us three." And Nezu raised an eyebrow "what makes you think that?" Nezu asked and Dazai shrugged "just a feeling." he said walking away soon followed by a screaming Kunikida and Atsushi trying to calm down Kunikida.

Class 1-A was making their way back to school when Denki said "those were very strange people." most of the Bakusquad nodded but Bakugou immediately said "HUH?! I BET I COULD BEAT THEM IN A MATTER OF SECONDS." Midorya thought was thinking about something else

"Why do you think Dazai-san was defending Arahabaki?" He asked and Tsuyu answered "do you think he knows him, ribbit?" Iida immediately said "No, it can't be like that, if that were the case I think that he would have talked with him about it." "the question is how he knew that he had been missing for five months." Todoroki said as they all entered UA.

"I think we should search something up on the heroes website." Uraraka said and Mina suddenly bursted in the conversation "that's an awesome idea!"

When they entered the dormitory everyone sat on the couch and Momo searched up on the computer 'Arahabaki', the posts that came out though didn't tell them anything they already didn't know then Denki came up with an idea

"Maybe we should check the people that disappeared in the last five months, honestly if I were a god getting chased after half of the world I would change my name too." Everyone looked at him shock written all over their faces.

"What? Is it a bad idea?" Denki asked " no, actually it's a very smart one." Midorya said and Denki felt proud of his brain for once and they immediately searched it up the first result on the screen was:

'Nakahara Chuuya left the port mafia successfully disappearing after the previous boss' death.'

Momo clicked on it since it was the only result that came out and then she started reading out loud so that everyon could hear.

"Nakahara Chuuya an executive in the port mafia that always protected the city of Yokohama has left the port mafia after the boss changed and started causing havoc to the city instead of protecting it. Nakahara Chuuya's quirk is Upon the tainted sorrow and was part of the double black, his former partner has also left the mafia." And it stopped there, there was no more information on him, only a photo.

They all got startled when the door opened and they saw Aizawa standing there "what are you doing awake right now?! You should be sleeping, tomorrow we will attack, we can't possibly go in with all you sleep deprived teenagers!" he said and everyone ran to their dorms to sleep.

That night most of the students weren't able to stop thinking about how this attack would end.

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