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"We're currently flying above the city of Jaki, can you see?! about a quarter of the city has been razed to the ground!" Said a man in helicopter that was flying over the city "right below us the rescue units of heroes and police are making the citizens evacuate. There has been an unbelievable deployment of forces!" The man continued to say.

Suddenly he had to cut himself off when he saw a figure stading on a stone in mid-air, the man turned to the driver "hey, can you go to that person floating" the driver was a bit hesitant "w-what if he's a villain?" he said "don't worry, you won't have to do anything.

The driver started going towards the guy and when he got close enough the enterviewer asked him "excuse me sir, what are you doing here?" But it looked like he didn't hear him since he was still sitting down.

The orange haired guy sighed as he got up and started removing his gloves and his coat "s-sir?" the reporter asked fearing that he actually approached a villain but was startled when he jumped down, as he fell they heard him say "oh, Grantors of Dark Disgrace. Do not wake me again." Then he landed on the ground making dust arise.

"I'd like you all to meet Arahabaki otherwise known among people as Nakahara Chuuya." Dazai said as all the heroes' eyes widened, all of them have heard at least one of the two names and what they said about it wasn't good.

Shigaraki raised a brow obviously confused as to how this person that wasn't even a pro-hero would be the one to take him down but when he looked at the person's face he saw no expression and his eyes they were white like as if something just tookj posses of te guy's body, as Chuuya looked at Shigaraki and a grin slowly grew on his face, Shigaraki had become his target.

Shigaraki then suddenly heard All For One's voice 'play their game, one for all can wait, destroy their only chance of winning.' Shigaraki smiled at the thught of bloodshed and started running towards Chuuya as he did the same Shigarak tried his best to touch him but for some reason he was never able to.

Suddenly Shigaraki yelled "KILL HIM" as the heroes looked at what he was yelling at they saw around 50 noumu running towards Chuuya, they were about to interviene when a hand stopped them "don't move, you could get in the way." The heroes were mad at that statement "are you crazy?! He's gonna die." Deku practically yelled

 "Don't underestimate him, he's not weak." Endeavour said "Maybe he's not weak but even a top hero would die with so many noumus!" Dazai rolled his eyes "aren't you guys gonna stop him?!" One of the unknown heroes that was helping Aizawa asked the detectives.

 "Dazai-san's predictments are never wrong" Atsushi said and Kunikida added "for all we know he could have predicted the whole attack." The heroes understood their motives but it still made no sense for them "Yes but with all those noumus plus Shigaraki and Gigantomacchia he's still in danger." Deku said.

 "Shut up, he's putting his life on the line to save you and this city so the least you could do is shut up and let him do his job." Dazai said glaring at him and suddenly someone said "what is that thing!?!" They turned around to see Todoroki there pointing at Chuuya.

 "That is Chuuya's real form, otherwise known as Arahabaki." Dazai explained and soon the saw Shigaraki tossing something in Chuuya's direction "a quirk cancelling bullet!" Exclaimed the unknown hero but they were all shocked to see that Chuuya kicked the bullet that then hit Shigaraki.

Suddenly a rumbling was heard "Gigantomacchia! He's here!" The unknown hero yelled panicking and you could clearly see that even all the others were panicked except Dazai but he soon said "if this doesn't end quickly Chuuya's body won't be able to resist." 

 As Gigantomacchia entered the fighting area Chuuya started flying and a ball started forming in his hand "Everyone back up!" Dazai shouted at the heroes, after about fifteen seconds the gravitational ball was thrown towards the villains and the heroes looked in astonishment.

Soon they heard laughing but not a normal one it was a scary laugh and when the smoke cleared they saw Chuuya laughing there standing with multiple bodies on the ground near him, they didn't exactly care if they were dead or not, they were all deeply scared, well the heroes felt like if they moved they would instantly get killed while the ADA were in a fighting position, ready to fight in case he decided to attack, the only one that wasn't afraid to move was Dazai.

Dazai in fact walked towards Chuuya like it was all fine, as Chuuya started running towards him Midorya yelled "Dazai-san it's dangerous" but as Dazai touched Chuuya the red parts of his skin started disappearing and he fell on the ground exhausted and then he raised his head glaring at him.

"you were supposed to stop it as soon as they fight ended." He said in a pissed tone, Dazai crunched down and smiled at Chuuya "but it was so funny seeing you scare everyone." Chuuya rolled his eyes struggling to get up, Dazai helped him up and as they walked towards the heroes they all got into fighting stances and Dazai said "calm down he's harmless." Chuuya rolled his eyes at the heroes' decision to try and start a fight, the two partners started makin their way towards UA not caring if the heroes were following behind.

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