Talking with the reporters

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The next day Nezu had scheduled a meeting with some reporters and he said that Chuuya had to come too, he didn't exactly understand why, when he was in the port mafia he never had to do something like this even when he practically saved the whole city.

So now Chuuya was sitting in front of a bunch of people he didn't know who were asking far too many personal questions to Nezu, untill they finally started talking about him.

"So, principal Nezu, who's this kid that beat all the villains single handed?" A reporter asked and Chuuya got angry at them calling him a kid "this is Chuuya Nakahara" Nezu said and Chuuya added "and I'm not a kid, I'm 23." he said glaring at them and the reporters nodded a bit scared but among them there was still someone who was able to master up the courage to ask

"principal Nezu, why did you let a random civilian in the battle against the villains?" Nezu expected they would ask that question so he answered with the answer they previously prepared "well, he isn't a civillian, he is actually a hero." the reporters looked confused

"then why is it that none of us ever heard of him?" another reporter asked "well, it's because we wanted to make sure the villains didn't know about him so only a restricted number of people could know about it" Nezu explained

"And why is that?" Another reporter asked "because we knew we would be able to win thanks to him" Nezu said "if that is the case then why is it that he only entered at the end of the fight?"

"Well, we needed Shigaraki to come out of the hideout first so that they would all get defeated at the same time."

"That still doesn't explain why he didn't come from the start with such a strong quirk."

"It's because his body isn't able to hold such power so he would die in a matter of twenty minutes or less."

"Yeah, but isn't that what pro's are supposed to do? Die to protect the city, a lot of people died since he chose to only enter in the last part of the fight."

Chuuya had to resist the urge of punching the ground o r even their faces and Nezu unexpectedly stood up and bowed.

"We are sorry for all the losses that occurred during the incident, if there would have been any other way we would have taken it." Nezu explained.

The reporters surprisingly believed him easily and didn't ask further questions about the subject "well, thank you for this interview but it is time for us to go." Nezu said as he got up and Chuuya right after him.

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