I'm your teacher

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It was another day for class 1-A, the war had ended well and they were ready to start school again, everyone was excited about what they would do and arrived at school in no time.

When everyone arrived they all took their places and started chatting with each other, all happy to see each other again and discussing about what they could do and some telling others about how they had trained and become stronger during their time at home.

The door had started opening and they all rushed to their seats because even if they had grown up a bit they all still feared an angry Aizawa but where surprised when the person that came in wasn't Aizawa but a peron with long and orange hair.

He wrote the words 'Nakahara Chuuya' on the board and then turned to the students "hello there, I'm Nakahara Chuuya and I'll be your new teacher for a while."

 The end.

I hope you liked it and thanks for reading this.

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