Daisy Johnson

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(You know the end.)

 Chains bounded tightly to your arms and legs, making sure there is no chance of you escaping this dirty concrete cell they have you in

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Chains bounded tightly to your arms and legs, making sure there is no chance of you escaping this dirty concrete cell they have you in. The dripping of a broken water pipe being your only source of noise that is driving you insane, you rather be deaf then have to hear it's constant tapping.

You are nothing of your former self. Blood covers almost every inch of you from the torture they have done to you. The lack of food and water has left you thin and frail. If you're honest you're not sure how much longer you can take before you snap. Broken bones have healed in all the wrong ways and yet you're still somehow alive. Test after test, torture after torture. The one memory keeping you alive is Her...

Flash back. Y/n POV:

The steady rise and fall of her chest against mine in the morning is truly a joy to wake up to. I hum in satisfaction as she pulls herself closer to my chest. "I love you Daisy." I mumble trying not to wake the girl up from her sleep.

"I love you more Y/n." She mumbles back kissing my shoulder where her face has been crammed into for the past 9 hours as we slept. I grin and kiss the top of her head, smiling at the feeling that settles in my stomach.

Present time. Y/n POV:

A harsh kick was sent straight to my stomach causing my eyes to fly open and the memory I found such comfort in leaving as well. "Wake up! We need to leave. Your little friends are here."

"No." I mumble, my body to weak to move even if a wanted to.

"NOW!" He yells, spit flying into my face as he does so. He knows I'm not moving any time soon so he grabs a fits full of my hair and drags me to the other side of my cell where a dirty metal chair lays. I scream as he shoves me into the seat and pulls his black hand gun out. "You put this on yourself." He doesn't even bother to aim as he shoots me straight in the foot. A blood curdling scream leaves my lips, a scream that I don't recognise as my own.

"H-help." I whisper, my hopelessness doubling by ten as I look up into his cold dark eyes.

Tears stream down my face as I see him smile and ask. "How does the feel agent? How does it feel to be shot? How does it fucking feel to be so hopeless?!" He paces back and forth as he continues. "I know how to feels. Your people have made me feel it but now I get to do what your people never could... I'll finish your suffering."

"Agent please." He raises his gun and points it straight at my forehead.

"I really wish I was sorry... but I'm not. Hail Hydra!" And before the bullet is fired my cell door is blasted open and shock waves fill the room. The Hydra agent is shot forward crashing into the wall behind me and...

Present time. Daisy's POV:

"They're in there! I swear!" A scared Hydra agent I took hostage says as I hold a gun to his head.

"Good." Without a second thought I shoot the agent. I know it's not what I or any Shield agent would've done but I was so blinded by my anger that I lost focus.

I pocket my gun and use my shock waves to blast the door open. The cell door is flung open and so to is the Hydra agent on the opposite side. As he's flung to the other side of the room a loud gun shot rings throughout the concrete cell. I look around wondering where the bullet went only to see it lodged into the one person I was looking for.

Y/n, disheveled and unrecognisable, looks down to wear blood is now poring out of their chest and then looks up into my eyes. I rush over to them catching them as they go limp into my arms. "Y-y/n?" I ask, as tears fill my eyes.

"Daisy, I'm so happy to s-see you." They stutter as blood starts to fill their mouth. I know I'm to late, I've dealt with my fair share of loses but this one hurts much more then the rest. And as if my heart couldn't hurt any more Y/n smiles and asks. "Am I going safe now?"

I gently shake my head and watch as the smile leaves Y/n lips and with it their life. "Oh baby." I whisper to myself as I place my hand of their bruised cheek and let the tears fall from my eyes.

"Daisy we gotta go now!" I hear Agent May yell into my ear piece.


Authors note:
What can I say... another sad Daisy one shot from me.  I know it's been months since I've posted something to this book, July of last year (which is insane and lazy of me but I just haven't been in a creative mood). I hope this is ok though.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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