Chapter 7

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"Stay down, I'll get you something to eat!" Stag hushed me, making me lay back down.

"I'm fine, it's going to be a while till the pups are born, I can still fly." I said, nudging my mate's side, sitting upright.

"You know, Sagittarius only wants to look out for you." I heard a familiar voice speak playfully.

"Gemini! Your back!" I exclaimed, getting up and pressing my snout to his cheek.

"It hasn't been that long, only three months since I've last seen you." Gemini laughed, hugging me with his huge dark wings.

"I see you have an identical scar to mine, what happened to your eye?" I asked my brother.

"This old thing?" He laughed, "Yeah, got it about a month ago fighting a Wisp, those nasty things, they hide up in the mountains and only come down to reck hell..." Gemini sighed, then sat down as Stag brought me a bit of an elk.

"Got you a little something." He smiled, nudging the prey near me.

"I'm fit enough to hunt, thank you very much, but thanks for being so thoughtful." I sighed. Stag nodded,

"You know that I'm just worried about you..."

"I know." I agreed with him, "but I am fully capable of fending for myself as of right now." Stag nodded,

"I'll leave you with your brother then." Stag sighed and left the two siblings in the dimly lit cave of the den.

"StarDown has really changed since you left..." I sighed, looking at a map of Xenith, it consisted mostly of Darklight territory, Wisp territory and Nightlight territory, we didn't know much about the other species other than there were quite a few.

"I get that, my little sister has really grown up, I hear you were the head guard before your Wisp encounter, then it looks like you're going to be busy for the next two or so months." Gemini chuckled.

"Seems so, before I continue to speak about myself, tell me what you have found out there."

"Well, I should report this to Hydra, as I heard he's the new head guard."

"He isn't ready, he still leads with his muscle instead of his head, he's going to get countless Darklight's hurt, I need to know this information, head guard or not." I said facing my brother again.

"Fine, only because I agree with you on this one. There are a number of more species out there than we had previously thought, Spiritus Pardus pose no threat to us, but their territory is along the shore line. If we don't look like a threat to them they will leave us alone. There are some dangerous creatures named Nightmare Creatures. I don't like the name but their features are more terrifying than the worst thing you can imagine. I had too close of an encounter with one, and it wasn't pleasant. On the shore there is a harbor, some pirates stay there, if you need to get around, you should go to them, just stay on their good side and they won't do anything. I've made a makeshift map for the pack, lose it, who knows what will happen." Gemini informed his sister in a serious tone, digging in a pouch wrapped around his neck, handing me a scroll of paper.

"Thank you, Gemini, you may leave, don't tell anyone else till I say so, this information will be dealt with accordingly." I replied, nodding as my brother left my den. I rolled out the paper on a smooth stone ledge, and gasped,

'This is going to be much harder than me and Cancer had previously thought, we need to leave as soon as possible, we can't risk messing this up, we could lose everything...'

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