Chapter 3

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I usually didn't hide from a fight unless my mother told me otherwise, but this fight...this fight was different, hybrids all over the island were going insane, and no one knew why or how. As the night went on my sister Brightlight whined,

"Why do we have to stay inside!? I wanna playyyyyy!"
I only sighed at this. My little sister Bright, being ever so annoying.
"You know why we have to stay inside already, Bright," I tried reminding her.
"Uhmmmmmm," Bright said, taking a claw and putting it to her chin. Is she even trying to say something? Or is she just being sarcastic? I thought to myself quietly.

"Bright!" I said sternly, "Do you want me to tell you again?!" I sighed, and finally gave in.
"We're being attacked," I started slowly, trying to make this as least scary as possible. "Remember those Nightmare creatures I would always talk about in those stories?" Bright nodded.
"Well, they're here.. One of the Nightmare creatures has a terrible curse,'s not a nice story..." I muttered darkly, "Sit down, and get comfy, I don't think you'll ever want to get out of bed again..." I muttered, my eyes narrowed. Brightlight sat down, having a blanket of soft moss draped around her, wrapping her tail around her paws.

"On a dark summer's eve, a traveler walks by himself in the cold blue mist, the moon awakes, being a crimson red, the color of pure wolf blood...he is a bit frightened by the moon but keeps moving forward, wanting to get back home before it got any darker..." I paused briefly, looking at my younger sister with dark eyes, "Nightlights say that the travelers name was actually Crimson, thus...making him freaked out, but being dust brained...continued on his journey. He walked for hours and hours, feeling as if he was walking in circles...but he only got closer to it... as he saw the glowing red eyes of the beast he turned around and tried to run." I took a deep breath and sighed,
"But it was to late for him, the monster grabbed him and brought him into its cave, telling him of the curse, saying..'Whomever you love most deeply...shall die a terrible death, you are a Nightmare creature...I can feel it in your body...this curse shall only bring hatred towards yourself, and you shall never find the cure...'." I paused again, letting out a sigh.
"Poor Crimson, never able to fall in love...since then all he did was push animals away, scared of himself or the other being hurt...but rumor has it that he did find the cure to his curse, and is searching for hybrids to help him." I spoke, smiling and my dark gaze bright and happy again.
Bright sat wide-eyed staring at me, almost a mystified look on her face.
"Where do you think he went?" She asked, yawning a little.
I pondered that for a second, wondering if the fabled Crimson was still alive, as past Nightlights had said.
"I don't know," I replied quietly, but Bright was already asleep when I had said this.

Rain was now pouring outside the den of the palace, where me, my sister and my mother usually slept.

Pit pat pit pat.

I watched the rain slowly drip from the ledge of the opening, my chin resting on my front paws. I wonder If the Nightmare creatures are still here. . . I thought, pricking my ears to see if I could hear anything. 

Pit pat pit pat.

(Also credit to Dex for writing most of this chapter thanks broski ^-^)

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