Chapter 1

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Cleopatra's pov

Walking down the hallway with my twin, going to our lockers, people moving to the side creating a pathway for us. Reaching Wednesday's locker first she opened it to find our little brother Pugsley, tied up with rope and an apple in his mouth, fell out landing on his back. Me and Wednesday looked at eachother quickly before helping Pugsley. " I want there names now" I said to our brother, even though I knew who it was, while Wednesday was untying the ropes. "I don't know who they were honest, it happened so fast" he said, sharing a look be both knew he was lying. " Pugsley, emotion equals weakness, pull yourself together. Now". While Wednesday was pulled into a vision which lasted roughly a minute, I already knew what was gonna happen from my vision earlier, which I didn't tell Wednesday, to say I was mad was an understatement "Did you see what happened?" I said, from the look she gave me she knew what I knew. We got up quickly "leave this to us" she said "Cleopatra? Wednesday? what are you gonna do?". We looked at him "what we do best" and with that we walked away.

Walking up the stairs to the swimming pool, both of us carrying a bag of our precious paranas, ready to give them the fright of there lives. Hopefully one or two maybe three get injured.  "Dalton, look. Pugsley's sisters" some random boy in the pool said. "Hey freak and freaker, this is a closed practice" said that Dalton boy, the all started laughing until we pulled out our bags of paranas from our backs. "The only people who get to torture our brother is us" which we said in sync, we proceeded in dropping the paranas in and watched as the dicks began to freak and try and swim away. Fortuanetly for us our lovely paranas managed to get four boys, turning the horrid blue water into a pretty shade of red.

Safe to say we won't be welcome in that school anymore.

We're in the car with our dearest mother and father on the way to our 8th school? who's keeping count. Father was singing to mother for most of the drive and she sometimes decides to join in, I could tell Pugsley was bored and Wednesday was about to snap, and me well lets say as much as I love them it gets a bit annoying. Though it fascinates me how they've never spent a day apart and they still have such a strong love for each other, in all honesty I hope one day I could find a love like that but I would never tell them . " Darlings how long to you intend on giving us the cold shoulder?" our mother asked to which my twin being a little dramatic turned to Lurch, who was driving alongside Puglsey who sat in the front, and said " Lurch, please remind my parents that we are no longer speaking to them" while I just roll my eyes and continue looking out the window. " I promise you, my little vipers, you will love nevermore" father said then asked mother for her confirmation to which she replies "Of course they will. It's the perfect school for them.". "Why because it was the perfect school for you? I have no interest in following in your footsteps, becoming captain fo the fencing team, queen of the dark prom, president of the Séance society" Wednesday said, "I however don't mind being fencing captain" I said which made mother and father smile, that's one of the only things I share incommon with father. Mother spoke " I merely meant that finally you will be among peers who understand you, maybe you'll even make some friends". If only it was as easy as they say. "Nevermore is like no other boarding school, it's a magical place, it's where I met your mother and we fell in love" father said " you've said that so many times before I'm starting to lose count" I said to father. Then they tried to kiss again, and as much as I love my parents they can't keep their hands off each other for a minute, luckily my twin butted in before their lips could even touch," You guys are making me nauseous, not in a good way". Mother looked at us and said "Darlings, we aren't the ones who got you expelled, those boys families were going to file attempted murder charges, how would that look on your record?" we looked at each other before replying " Terrible, everyone would know we failed to get the job done" "Our precious paranas didn't even get a full meal".

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