Chapter 3

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Cleopatra's pov

After departing from Ness into my dorm, I start organising my side of the room. Adding a nice black fitted sheet with matching pillows and a duvet cover, on top of that 2 red cushions and a red blanket (one of the only colored things I do like), once done with my bed I place my black mamba, Rosemary and my cobra, Raven in their beautiful enclosure that they share which is sat on my desk next to the only family photo I have. Placing Nyx's bed at the foot of mine where she would stay like at home, on my bedside table is the crystal ball mother gave me, in the deskdraw I have my trinkets that uncle Fester likes to give me from his travels. Moving onto my closet where I hang my skintight black dresses, my uniform & a few red dresses, in the draws below I fold my black low waisted baggy jeans, low waisted skin tight jeans & normal black jeans. Next draw down has my black mini skirts and my pencil skirts as well as my crop tops. In the final draw has my gym leggings, shorts and bras. On the shelves are my collection or shoes ranging from heels to Jordans to loafers, on the floor is my only pair of kneehigh boot heels. Last thing to do is hang my leather jacket, long coat and my zip up jumper behind the door, once that's all done I jump on my bed to rest before the first lesson starts which happens to be my favourite, fencing class, when I start trying to remember where I remember the familiar boy from.

I met Wednesday on the way there both in our black fencing gear. Walking into the room side by side, everyones stopping what there doing to look at us, not stopping until we reach near the middle we watched a boy with glasses trip on the mat. "Coach, coach she tripped me" the boy cried out while ripping his helmet off.
"It was a clean Strick, Rowan" Coach said nodding at Bianca. Oh fuck me, the fish is here. "Maybe if you whined less and practised more, you wouldn't suck" Bianca spoke while looking down at Rowan. 'What a bitch' I said to myself. After picking himself up off the floor and retreating behind coach Bianca spoke up again "seriously coach, when am I going to get some real competition around here?". Sharing a look with Wednesday I can tell she sees Rowan like our brother Pugsley, small and easy to pick on, and by the look in her eyes she wants to go first.
"I do" she spoke watching as Bianca realised we were there. "Oh you must be the psychopaths they let in" she laughed. "You must be the self-appointed Queen Bee" Ness said while showing no emotion like always, "here's an interesting fact about bees, Brianna is it?" not letting her correct me, I continue "pull out their stingers, they drop dead". When I tell you the look on her face was priceless and it was done with minimal effort. I felt satisfied watching her smile drop from her face when she was knocked down a peg from her high pedalstool.
"Rowan doesn't need you to come to his defense" she shifted under our piercing gaze, looking quite uncomfortable. Rowan lifted his enhailer to his mouth to take a puff. "he's not helpless, he's lazy. "My twin was getting bored and I could say the same thing, "are we doing this or not?" Ness said quickly. I step to the side watching as they start swiping and at stabbing each other while moving all around the room.

I feel a presence suddenly by my side, looking to my left I find it's Xavier. "hello, I'm going to hide in my deceased godmothers casket that's she was meant to be in." I said to him. He chuckled "I'm surprised you remember me considering I was about 2 feet shorter, 40 pounder heavier. "Returning my gaze over to my sister for a split second I turn back and I said "oh how could I ever forget that I heard someone screaming for help, thinking it was your godmother who turned out wasnt actually dead." 'oh it was such good memories although I was disappointed to find out he was playing hide 'n' seek with Wednesday but go stuck. "Yeah well you pushed that red button and saved me from being cremated." I look back over to my sister and fish girl to see she had invoked the military challenge. "No masks, no tips" she said, people started muttering around the room.
"Winner draws first blood" I finishs her sentence, for a split second I thought Bianca might out of words until coach told her it's her decision and she regained her confidence saying "Let's see if you bleed in black and white."

I watched as Bianca sliced Wednesday's forehead, now she had it coming no one hurts my family and gets away with it. "Your face finally got that splash of colour, it so desperately needed" she smirked her sword still raised at Wednesday. Ness looked at me knowing I was going to chalenge Bianca, with a small almost discrete smirk and nod I took that as my queue. "Hey Brianna? or whatever your name is since you beat my sister, in our family if you beat one you take the other so up for it with the military challenge or are you scared?" I was taunting, her waiting for her to take the bait. "Sure I doubt you much better then your sister" she said cockily, taking the bait. 'Oh you poor little fishy doesn't know what she's got herself into this time. To me Wednesday's like the calm before the storm which is me. We get into position, coach gives us a count down, "3, 2, 1, En garde." We begin, shuffling back and forth both attacking and defending until I manage to poke her right on the heart, "point to Cleopatra." We go back and forth for another few minutes before I manage to get behind her, putting my foil against her neck, "another point to Cleopatra." I could tell she was getting frustrated and the whispers around the room probably weren't helping, she going in for the attack putting all her effort in, breaking a sweat while I'm putting the bare minimum, finding this tooo easy. Before she knows it I've left a big gash against her cheek, "oops sorry did that hurt" I say while smirking at my sister. Walking up to Bianca I whisper in her ear "if you so much as try and lay a finger or chat shit about me or my sister and I find out I will come for you and do worse than a little scratch" and with that I started walking after my sister, she was waiting outside the door. I felt Xavier's gaze as I walked past him, a big smirk on his face one that I couldn't help but return.

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